Accelerated Master Degrees Now Offered

Dr. Sergey Ivanov


Department of Business Management


Tel: 202.274.6833

Dr. Sergey Ivanov is Professor of Management at the School of Business and Public Administration, University of the District of Columbia, in Washington, DC, USA. His professional practice and scholarly interests are in the fields of scientific organizational and leadership research in government, corporate, multinational, and military organizations. He received Ph.D. from The George Washington University’s School of Business, working under the leadership of Dr. Elliott Jaques on dynamic theories in management and organizations.

Professor Ivanov has taught management and organizational courses at the University of the District of Columbia, as well as The George Washington University, for over a decade, and provided consultancy services to a wide variety of organizations, including the U.S. Department of Defense, Fortune 1000 Corporations, and others clients. Over the course of his work, Dr. Ivanov has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles on the topics of Organizations, Management, and Leadership, two books on management and organizations, and presented at over 50 national and international conferences, including invited key-note speeches and executive seminars.

More information about Dr. Sergey Ivanov is available at, where he freely answers questions and shares ideas.

Ph.D., Management, The George Washington University

M.S., Information Systems Technology, The George Washington University

B.B.A., Business Administration, The George Washington University

A.S., Science, Northern Virginia Community College

  • Management

  • Organizational Structures

  • Leadership

  • Organizations

  • Management Theory

Ivanov, S., Maritz, A., Anyu, J., Wu, D. (2022). Who Is a Leader? Understanding Leadership from a Different Perspective. Manager – The British Journal of Administrative Management, 58(07), 28-36.

Ivanov, S., McFadden, M., Anyu, J. (2021). Examining and Comparing Good and Bad Leaders Based on Key Leadership Characteristics: A Leadership Case Study. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 13(3), 275-281.

Ivanov, S., Brooks, J., Xu, F., Anyu, J. (2021). Evaluation of a Large Profits-First College:  Difference between a University and a Profits-Now Corporation. Journal of Leadership and Management, 1(18), 37-41.

Ivanov, S., Belhassan, M., Mahone, C. (2018). Why Great Leadership Principles Remain Largely Irrelevant to Modern Enterprises: A Special Case Study of a Small Moroccan Company. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(3), 95-100.

Ivanov, S., Turcios, E. (2018). Improving a Business: Case Study of a Front-line Organization. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 5(4), 263-267.

Ivanov, S. (2015). Exposing Myths of Modern Management: Innovation – Identifying the Problem. Journal of Leadership and Management, 1(3), 57-66.

Ivanov, S. (2015). Exposing Myths of Modern Management: Innovation – Exploring a Solution. Journal of Leadership and Management, 2(4), 29-34.

Ivanov, S. (2015). The Work of Associations: A Hidden Dimension of All Managerial Hierarchies (Bureaucracies). Journal of Leadership and Management, 2(4), 41-45.

Ivanov, S. (2013). Defects in Modern Organizations: Field Findings and Discovery. Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 4(2), 204-208.

Ivanov, S. (2011). Why Organizations Fail: A Conversation About American Competitiveness. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 4(1), 94-110.

Ivanov, S. (2001). Future Public and Private Policies Related to Pay, Strategy and Globalization: A Theory Based Approach. Transactions in International Information Systems.


Ivanov, S. (2017). Why Organizations Fail: Organizational Studies Based on Theories of Dr. Elliott Jaques. ISBN: 1539483029. Availability: Amazon, Amazon Kindle, public and academic libraries.

Ivanov, S. (2018). Theory of Managerial Organizations: Investigating the Optimum Manager-Subordinate Relationship of a Discontinuity Theory of Managerial Organizations. KSP Books.