Logistics & International Trade (LIT) Analytics Center
About Us
In July 2019, UDC School of Business and Public Administration received the first National Science Foundation Grant Award #1912070: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1912070&HistoricalAwards=false.
The NSF-Targeted Infusion Project: STEM-Business Focused Logistics and International Trade (LIT) Analytics is a collaborative project between the School of Business and Public Administration (SBPA) and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). Principal Investigator for this NSF-TIP grant is Dr. Anshu Arora, Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Management at the UDC-SBPA. Co-Principal Investigators are Dr. Mo Sepehri, Dean of UDC-SBPA; Dr. Amit Arora, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at UDC-SBPA; Dr. Pradeep Behera, Chair of Civil Engineering Department at the UDC-SEAS; and Dr. Lei Wang, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, UDC-SEAS.
The goal of this program is to equip and expose students to STEM-Business LIT education through the NSF-Funded Logistics and International Trade (LIT) Analytics Center of Excellence @ UDC. In addition, the program goal is to foster student scholarship and research. In order to achieve these goals, we strive to conduct outreach to the local community, via conferences, undergraduate research, high school recruitment events, and social media outreach.