CAL Book Club
Anyone is welcome to suggest a book, or a CAL team member may select a book to guide our discussions. The book club provides an opportunity to exchange ideas, gain new perspectives, and apply insights to our disciplines here at UDC.
Anyone is welcome to suggest a book, or a CAL team member may select a book to guide our discussions. The book club provides an opportunity to exchange ideas, gain new perspectives, and apply insights to our disciplines here at UDC.
Brave New Words by Salman Khan
In Brave New Words,
Design for How People Learn by Julie Dirksen
In Design For How People Learn, Second Edition, you'll discover how to use the key principles behind learning, memory, and attention to create materials that enable your audience to both gain and retain the knowledge and skills you're sharing.
4250 Connecticut Avenue NW
Bldg. 38
B Level - Academic Commons