APCT 110/111 | Intro to Programming (Lec/Lab) | 3 | - | Core Requirement |
APCT 115 | Foundations of Computing | 3 | - | Core Requirement |
APCT 231/ 233 | Computer Science I (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 110/111 | Core Requirement |
APCT 232/ 234 | Computer Science II (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 231/233 | Core Requirement |
APCT 341 | Advanced Web Development | 3 | CMOP 235/236 | CS Elective |
CMOP 235/ 236 | Introduction to WebPage Development and HTML (Lec/Lab) | 3 | APCT 231/233 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 241 | Data Structures | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 251/ 253 | Assemblers & Systems (Lec/Lab) | 3 | APCT 231/233 | CS Elective |
CSCI 306 | Computer Ethics and Laws | 3 | Junior standing or above | Core Requirement |
CSCI 308 | Advanced Object-Oriented Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 315 | Unix and System Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 325 | Organization of Programming Language | 3 | CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 341 | Software Engineering | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 345 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 | CMOP 235/236 | CS Elective |
CSCI 351 | Computer Networks | 3 | CMOP 231/232 or CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 352 | Network Security | 3 | CMOP 231/232 or CSCI 241 | Security Elective |
CSCI 353 | Information Security | 3 | Junior standing or above | Security Elective |
CSCI 398 | Advanced Applied Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 410 | Theory of Computing | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) and MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics |
Core Requirement |
CSCI 412 | Operating Systems | 3 | CSCI 311/313 or CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 414 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 3 | CSCI 241 | CS Elective |
CSCI 415 | Computer Organization and Architecture | 3 | CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 417 | Functional Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 421 | Machine Learning | 3 | MATH 225 Linear Algebra and APCT 232/234 and (MATH 152, 156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 422 | Introduction to Deep Learning | 3 | MATH 225 Linear Algebra and APCT 232/234 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 424 | Introduction to Compiler Design | 3 | CSCI 325 | CS Elective |
CSCI 434 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
Core Requirement |
CSCI 435 | Digital Image Processing | 3 | Junior standing or above | CS Elective |
CSCI 436 | Parallel and Distributed Computing | 3 | CSCI 308 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 441 | Digital Forensics | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Security Elective |
CSCI 452 | Database Systems Design | 3 | CSCI 241 or CSCI 343 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 453 | Secure Software Engineering | 3 | CSCI 341 | Security Elective |
CSCI 454 | Computer Graphics | 3 | CSCI 241 and MATH 225 Linear Algebra | CS Elective |
CSCI 455 | Cryptography | 3 | Senior standing or above | Security Elective |
CSCI 456 | Visualization | 3 | CSCI 454 | CS Elective |
CSCI 478 | Big Data Analysis | 3 | CSCI 308 | CS Elective |
CSCI 490 | Special Topics in CSIT | 3 | CSCI 308 and (Junior standing or above) | CS Elective |
CSCI 497 | Independent Study | 1 - 3 | CSCI 308 and (Senior standing) | CS Elective |
CSCI 498 | Senior Project I | 3 | Senior standing or above | Core Requirement |
CSCI 499 | Senior Project II | 3 | CSCI 498 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 100 | Introduction to Information Security and Assurance | 3 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 110 | Ethics in Cybersecurity and Cyber Law | 3 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 130 | IT Systems Component Security | 3 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 200 | Network Security | 3 | CYSE 100 and CYSE 130 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 210 | Computer Data Communication, Networking Protocols and Management | 3 | CYSE 100 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 220 | Introduction to Cryptography | 3 | CYSE 100 and CYSE 130 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 230 | Introduction to Computer and mobile Forensics | 3 | CYSE 100 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 275 | Principles of Cybersecurity and Security Management | 3 | CYSE 100 and CYSE 210 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 310 | Cybersecurity Planning, Operations, and Incident Response Management | 3 | CYSE 100 and CYSE 210 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 320 | Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis | 3 | CYSE 100 and CYSE 210 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 355 | Cybersecurity Tools and Risk Management | 3 | CYSE 100 | Elective |
CYSE 410 | Threat Intelligence and Cyber Defense | 3 | CYSE 320 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 420 | Cloud Computing Security and Challenges | 4 | CYSE 100 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 430 | Secure Software Engineering | 3 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 435 | Securing Cyber Physical System | 3 | CYSE 275 and (CYSE 200 or CSCI 352) | Elective |
CYSE 440 | Principle and Practices of Network Defense and Applied Network Security Monitoring | 4 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 455 | Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence | 3 | ( CYSE 200 or CSCI 352) and CSCI 414 | Electives |
CYSE 460 | Special Topic in Cybersecurity (Independent Research Study) | 3 | (CYSE 200 or CSCI 352) and CYSE 275 | Elective |
CYSE 465 | Advanced Cryptography | 3 | Core Requirement | |
CYSE 470 | Mobile Device and Wireless Security | 3 | (CYSE 200 or CSCI 352) and CYSE 210 | Elective |
CYSE 480 | Advanced Information Security Assurance and Risk Control | 3 | CYSE 355 | Elective |
CYSE 498 | Cybersecurity Capstone I | 3 | CYSE 320 and CYSE 425 | Core Requirement |
CYSE 499 | Cybersecurity Capstone II | 3 | CYSE 498 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 241 | Data Structures | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 308 | Advanced Object-Oriented Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 315 | Unix and System Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 341 | Software Engineering | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 342 | System & Network Administration | 3 | CMOP 231/232 | CS Elective |
CSCI 343 | Database Administration | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 345 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 | CMOP 235/236 | CS Elective |
CSCI 352 | Network Security | 3 | CMOP 231/232 or CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 410 | Theory of Computing | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) and MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics |
CS Elective |
CSCI 412 | Operating Systems | 3 | CSCI 311/313 or CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 414 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 3 | CSCI 241 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 434 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 452 | Database Systems Design | 3 | CSCI 241 or CSCI 343 | CS Elective |
APCT 232/ 234 | Computer Science II (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 231/233 | Core Requirement |
APCT 231/ 233 | Computer Science I (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 110/111 | Core Requirement |
APCT 110/111 | Intro to Programming (Lec/Lab) | 3 | - | Core Requirement |
APCT 110/111 | Intro to Programming (Lec/Lab) | 3 | - | Core Requirement |
APCT 115 | Foundations of Computing | 3 | - | Core Requirement |
APCT 231/ 233 | Computer Science I (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 110/111 | Core Requirement |
APCT 232/ 234 | Computer Science II (Lec/Lab) | 4 | APCT 231/233 | Core Requirement |
APCT 341 | Advanced Web Development | 3 | CMOP 235/236 | IT Elective |
CMOP 131/ 132 | Computer Networking Fundamentals (Lec/Lab) | 4 | - | Core Requirement |
CMOP 231/ 232 | Wireless Local Area Networks (Lec/Lab) | 3 | CMOP 131/132 | Core Requirement |
CMOP 235/ 236 | Introduction to WebPage Development and HTML (Lec/Lab) | 3 | APCT 231/233 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 241 | Data Structures | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 251/ 253 | Assemblers & Systems (Lec/Lab) | 3 | APCT 231/233 | CS Elective |
CSCI 306 | Computer Ethics and Laws | 3 | Junior standing or above | Core Requirement |
CSCI 308 | Advanced Object-Oriented Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 315 | Unix and System Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 317 | Multimedia Programming & Design | 3 | APCT 232/234 | IT Elective |
CSCI 325 | Organization of Programming Language | 3 | CSCI 241 | CS Elective |
CSCI 341 | Software Engineering | 3 | APCT 232/234 | IT Elective |
CSCI 342 | System & Network Administration | 3 | CMOP 231/232 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 343 | Database Administration | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 345 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 | CMOP 235/236 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 351 | Computer Networks | 3 | CMOP 231/232 or CSCI 241 | IT Elective |
CSCI 352 | Network Security | 3 | CMOP 231/232 or CSCI 241 | IT Elective |
CSCI 353 | Information Security | 3 | Junior standing or above | Core Requirement |
CSCI 398 | Advanced Applied Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | IT Elective |
CSCI 410 | Theory of Computing | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) and MATH 220 Discrete Mathematics |
CS Elective |
CSCI 412 | Operating Systems | 3 | CSCI 311/313 or CSCI 241 | IT Elective |
CSCI 414 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 3 | CSCI 241 | CS Elective |
CSCI 415 | Computer Organization and Architecture | 3 | CSCI 241 | IT Elective |
CSCI 417 | Functional Programming | 3 | APCT 232/234 | CS Elective |
CSCI 421 | Machine Learning | 3 | MATH 225 Linear Algebra and APCT 232/234 and (MATH 152, 156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 422 | Introduction to Deep Learning | 3 | MATH 225 Linear Algebra and APCT 232/234 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 424 | Introduction to Compiler Design | 3 | CSCI 325 | CS Elective |
CSCI 434 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 | CSCI 241 and (MATH 152/156 Calculus II or equivalent) |
CS Elective |
CSCI 435 | Digital Image Processing | 3 | Junior standing or above | CS Elective |
CSCI 436 | Parallel and Distributed Computing | 3 | CSCI 308 | CS Elective |
CSCI 441 | Digital Forensics | 3 | APCT 232/234 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 451 | Advanced Network Management | 3 | CSCI 342 | IT Elective |
CSCI 452 | Database Systems Design | 3 | CSCI 241 or CSCI 343 | Core Requirement |
CSCI 453 | Secure Software Engineering | 3 | CSCI 341 | IT Elective |
CSCI 454 | Computer Graphics | 3 | CSCI 241 and MATH 225 Linear Algebra | CS Elective |
CSCI 455 | Cryptography | 3 | Senior standing or above | IT Elective |
CSCI 456 | Visualization | 3 | CSCI 454 | CS Elective |
CSCI 478 | Big Data Analysis | 3 | CSCI 308 | CS Elective |
CSCI 490 | Special Topics in CSIT | 3 | CSCI 308 and (Junior standing or above) | IT Elective |
CSCI 497 | Independent Study | 1 - 3 | CSCI 308 and (Senior standing) | IT Elective |
CSCI 498 | Senior Project I | 3 | Senior standing or above | Core Requirement |
CSCI 499 | Senior Project II | 3 | CSCI 498 | Core Requirement |