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Computer Science and Information Technology

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) at UDC is the only urban land-grant institute of computing offering graduate degrees in the capital of the United States.CSIT students in the department’s Computer Science and Information Technology programs master both theory and practice through regular, capstone, and research courses taught by world-class professors. The result is highly competitive graduates who can think critically and develop innovative solutions for real-world problems.

All professors of CSIT are nationally and globally competitive in their fields of research expertise.



The overall mission of the computing programs is to prepare nationally and internationally competitive graduates, at the graduate, baccalaureate, and associate levels, in computer science and information technologies to meet the needs of the current and future technology era. Our department’s program objectives and outcomes are consistent with the mission of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which is to provide nationally competitive and fully accredited professional programs at the certificate, associate, baccalaureate, and graduate levels. These programs enable immediate employment upon graduation or for continuation for advanced level studies in the respective disciplines.

Contact Us

Department Chair
Dr. Dong Hyun Jeong
Building 42, Room 113B

Graduate Program Director
Dr. Lily R. Liang
Building 42. Suite 112D
tel: 202.274.5086

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