Faculty and Staff


Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Fleming Jeffery Interim Dean 202-274-7112 jfleming@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Crews Kimberly Assistant Dean and Director of General Education 202-274-5857 kcrews@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 71, Room 6113
Spratley Burtin Anika Acting Associate Dean of Academics 202-274-6172 Anika.burtin@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 4131
Stewart Kemmell Coordinator of Development, Outreach Partnerships and Communications 202-274-5540 Kemmell.stewart@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Sales Tyshawna Accreditation Coordinator 202-274-5680 tyshawna.sales@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Thompson Wilma Office Manager 202-274-5194 wthompson@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Best Terry Program Manager, Infrastructure and Technology 202-274-5194 terry.best@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Huderson Brandy Associate Professor of Biology 202-274-6366 brandy.huderson@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332


Division of Arts and Humanities


Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
De Aparajita Professor and Chair of the Division of Arts and Humanities 202-274-5556 Aparajita.De@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4413


Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Himawan Bagus Assistant Professor of Art 202-274-7372 ibagus@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm B14
Niyangoda Rukman Assistant Professor of Art 202-274-7373 rniyangoda@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm B-1
Venne Daniel Professor of Art 202-274-5781 dvenne@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08
Prete Davide Associate Professor of Art 202-274-5747 davide.prete@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08
Kery Peter Assistant Professor of Art 202-274-5058 peter.kery@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08


Digital Media

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Vassell Olive Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Coordinator 202-274-7371 ovassell@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-D
Hanff, Jr. William Associate Professor of Digital Media 202-274-7402 whanff@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-E
Hollis Penny Assistant Professor of Digital Media 202-274-5194 penny.hollis@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-G
Payton Randi Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Media 202-274-5058 randolph.payton@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-P



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Ridley Charlene Division Staff Assistant 202-274-6178 cridley@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4416
Yarbrough Wynn Professor of English 202-274-5653 wyarbrough@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 6113
Howe Alexander Professor of English and Honors Program Director 202-274-5658 ahowe@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4411
Krauthamer Helene Professor of English and Foreign Languages Coordinator 202-274-5626 hkrauthamer@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4414
Turpin Cherie Associate Professor of English 202-274-5625 cturpin@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4412
Vilageliu-Diaz Ada Assistant Professor of English 202-274-5372 ada.vilageliudiaz1@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4426
Wynne Craig Associate Professor of English 202-274-5635 craig.wynne@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 4415
Monea Bethany Assistant Professor of English 202-274-5194 bethany.monea@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 3337A



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Butler III Johnny Instructor & Director of Choral Activities 202-274-5805 jhbutler@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05-E
Johnson Allyn Associate Professor of Music 202-274-5811 arjohnson@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A06D
Korey Judith Professor of Music 202-274-5803 jkorey@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A03A
Ormond Nelda Professor of Music 202-274-5806 normond@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05F
Licata Thomas Associate Professor of Music 202-274-5801 thomas.licata@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05C
Gardner Willie Music Technician 202-274-5822 wgardner@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm C08
Claiborne Leah Associate Professor of Music 202-274-5810 leah.claiborne@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05A
Cutler Tracey Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music & Applied Woodwinds 202-274-5814 tracey.cutler@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Ave, NW Bldg 46W, Rm A06B


Division of Education, Health, and Social Work


Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Mizelle Nathalie Professor and Chair of the Division of Education, Health, and Social Work 202-274-5797 nathalie.mizellejohn@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4226




Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Cooke Benson Professor of Counseling and Psychology 202-274-6439 bcooke@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4105
Boston Quintin Associate Professor of Counseling 202-274-5439 Quintin.boston@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4111


Rehabilitation Counseling

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Andrews Anthony Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling and Counselor Education 202-274-5370 anthony.andrews@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 4104



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Tyson Camille Project Specialist 202-274-5754 camille.tyson@udc.edu   4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4222
Bartee Jennifer Assistant Professor of Elementary Education 202-274-5788 Jennifer.bartee@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4213
Bruce Heather Adult Education Program Coordinator 202-274-6984 heather.bruce@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 39 Suite 113
Ivy Kelly Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education 202-274-5194 kelly.ivy@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4142
Kelley Ayanna Assistant Professor of Education & Program Director 202-274-7245 ayanna.kelley@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4224
King-Berry Arlene Professor of Special Education 202-274-5973 akberry@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4232
Wendt Jillian Associate Professor of Science Education 202-274-5333 jillian.wendt@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4236
Graves Kenyatta Clinical Instructor and Coordinator of Partnerships and Placements 202-274-5403 kenyatta.graves@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4235
Morrison Sylvia Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education 202-274-5216 sylvia.morrison@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4237
Bruewer Aaron Assistant Professor of Education 202-274-6586 aaron.bruewer@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4234
Essack Mohammed Clinical Instructor of Adult Education 202-274-5194 mohammed.essack@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, 3rd Fl.
Farrow Nicole Assistant Professor of Special Education 202-274-5194 Nicole.farrow@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4217
Perkins Angela Program Coordinator and Education Advisor 202-274-5631 Angela.perkins@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4218
McNair-Lee Dowan Assistant Professor of Teacher Education 202-274-5194 dowan.mcnairlee@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4232
Avellaneda Eulises Assistant Professor of Teacher Education 202-274-6568 Eulises.avellaneda@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4219
Miles Annette Assistant Professor of Adult Education 202-274-5194 annette.miles@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3345A


Social Work

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Allen Elizabeth Assistant Professor of Social Work 202-274-5194 elizabeth.allen@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4241
Brade Stennis Kesslyn Master of Social Work Program Director 202-274-5194 kesslyn.bradestennis@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332
Green Kahlil Clinical Instructor of Social Work 202-274-5194 kahlil.green@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4214
Henderson Angela Assistant Professor of Social Work 202-274-6502 angela.henderson@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4242
Oke Temitope Assistant Professor of Social Work 202-274-5546 temitope.oke@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4142
Simmons Lamont Associate Professor and Program Director of Social Work 202-274-5194 lamont.simmons@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4211
Richards-Palmiter Lia Assistant Professor of Social Work 202- 274-7243 lia.richardspalmiter@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4143


Speech-Language Pathology

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Demessie Weynshet Office Manager of Speech and Hearing Clinic 202-274-6157 wdemessie@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3213-A
Gibson Emily Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5194 emily.gibson@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 3221
Gurley-Nettles Tiffany Assistant Professor and Program Director of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-6162 tiffany.gurleynettle@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3229
Kalunga Richard Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-6851 rkalunga@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4131
Ottey Natalie Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5325 nottey@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4143
Ramos-Pizarro Carmen Ana Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-6895 carmen.ramospizarro@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4141
Sweet Lauren Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5194 lauren.sweet@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3210
Telford Rose Sulare Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5035 sulare.telford@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3219
Gaspard-St. Cyr Dorothy Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-6162 dorothy.gaspardstcyr@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3216
Pope Tabia Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5194 Tabia.pope@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3215
Walters Toni Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology 202-274-5194 toni.walters@udc.edu  4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3218


Division of Sciences and Mathematics


Chairperson/Secretary/Compliance Officer

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Song Xueqing Professor and Chair of the Division of Sciences and Mathematics 202-274-7425 xsong@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-01
Sutton Lisa Secretary 202-274-7401 lsutton@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-01
Kim Ojkim Compliance Officer 202-274-6036 okjin.kim@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-26



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Cousin Carolyn Professor of Biology and Director of Biology Master’s Program 202-274-5874 ccousin@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-14
Dixon Freddie Professor of Biology and Program Director of the STEM Center 202-274-6474 fdixon@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-15
Huderson Brandy Associate Professor of Biology 202-274-5889 brandy.huderson@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-06
Knight Mathlide Professor of Biology 202-274-6486 mathilde.knight@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-12
Robinson Joni Laboratory Manager, Biology Program 202-274-5872 jrobinson@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 305A
Sone Margaret Laboratory Manager, Biology Program 202-274-5876 msone@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 302A
Sneed Rosie Associate Professor of Biology 202-274-6022 rsneed@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-13
Waters Samuel Associate Professor of Biology 202-274-5937 samuel.waters@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-11
Wood Anita Program Manager, STEM Center for Research and Development 202-274-6818 awood@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 114




Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Jones Cheryl Lab Technician, Chemistry Program 202-274-5870 cdjones@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 316A
Smith George Lab Technician, Physics Program 202-274-7422 glsmith@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 321A
Udeochu Uche Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Chemistry 202-274-5508 Uche.udeochu@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-09
Taraboletti Alexandra Assistant Professor of Chemistry 202-274-6229 Alexandra.Tarabolett@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-08
Dunning Samuel Assistant Professor of Chemistry 202-274-7380 samuel.dunning@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-05
Jabed Mohammed Assistant Professor of Chemistry 202- 274-7274 mohammed.jabed@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-07



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Darai Abdi Associate Professor of Mathematics 202-274-5662 adarai@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-16
Farmer Shurron Mathematics Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Mathematics 202-274-6218 farmer@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-23
Horton Michael Instructor (STEM Grant) 202-274-6816 michael.horton@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 114
Ratliff Frederic Mathematics Instructor 202-274-6064 fredric.ratliff@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-22
Miabey Teylama Professor of Mathematics 202-274-5771 Teylama.Miabey@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-18
Pippin Gita Mathematics Instructor and Lab Coordinator 202-274-5988 gita.pippin@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-19
Wylie Dorshka Assistant Professor of Mathematics 202-274-6004 dorshka.wylie@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-20
Mohamed Ahmed Assistant Professor of Mathematics 202-274-6797 Ahmed.Mohamed7@udc.edu 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-07


Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences


Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Flowers Angelyn Professor and Chair of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences 202-274-5689 aflowers@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3113

Crime, Justice & Security Studies/Homeland Security

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Chatman Michelle Associate Professor of Crime, Justice, and Security Studies 202-274-5212 mchatman@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4321
Pixley Cotina Clinical Instructor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program 202-274-7462 clane@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3117
Adams Andrea Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies 202-274-5921 andrea.adams@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3122
Lea Suzanne Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program 202-274-5194 suzanne.lea@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3016
Mazza Anthony Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program 202-274-5194 anthony.mazza@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3111
Shreve Tayler Clinical Instructor, Administration of Justice 202-274-5194 tsheve@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3119


Human Development

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Fitzgerald Megan Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, Human Development 202-274-5737 megan.fitzgerald@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4327
Bennett-Roberts Beverly Visiting Professor of Human Development 202-274-6573 b.bennettroberts@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4326


Political Science

Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Carson Joanne Division Secretary 202-274-7403 jcarson@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 4417
Huron Amanda Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Political Science 202-274-7244 amanda.huron@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4311
Giannaros Jason Assistant Professor of Political Science 202-274-5194 spiros.giannaros@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Fl.
Gamble Monique Assistant Professor of Political Science 202-274-5383 mgamble@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4213
Yarish Jasmine Assistant Professor of Political Science 202-274-6722 jasmine.yarish@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4423
Daniels Ashley Assistant Professor of Political Science 202-274-5194 ashley.daniels3@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Fl.
Shroyer Guy Associate Professor of Political Science 202-274-5194 gshroyer@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Suite 4418



Last Name First Name Title Phone
Email Office Location
Rasayon Niyana Associate Professor of Psychology 202-274-5623 niyana.rasayon@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4323
Vixamar-Owens Dhymsy Assistant Professor of Psychology 202-274-5378 Dhymsy.vixamarowens@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4321
Fredericks Afiya Assistant Professor of Psychology 202-274-5194 afiya.fredericks@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 4425
Hill Kelli Assistant Professor of Psychology 202-274-5697 kelli.hill@udc.edu 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 4144