Faculty and Staff
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Fleming | Jeffery | Interim Dean | 202-274-7112 | jfleming@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Crews | Kimberly | Assistant Dean and Director of General Education | 202-274-5857 | kcrews@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 71, Room 6113 |
Spratley Burtin | Anika | Acting Associate Dean of Academics | 202-274-6172 | Anika.burtin@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 4131 |
Stewart | Kemmell | Coordinator of Development, Outreach Partnerships and Communications | 202-274-5540 | Kemmell.stewart@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Sales | Tyshawna | Accreditation Coordinator | 202-274-5680 | tyshawna.sales@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Thompson | Wilma | Office Manager | 202-274-5194 | wthompson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Best | Terry | Program Manager, Infrastructure and Technology | 202-274-5194 | terry.best@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Huderson | Brandy | Associate Professor of Biology | 202-274-6366 | brandy.huderson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Division of Arts and Humanities
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
De | Aparajita | Professor and Chair of the Division of Arts and Humanities | 202-274-5556 | Aparajita.De@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4413 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Himawan | Bagus | Assistant Professor of Art | 202-274-7372 | ibagus@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm B14 |
Niyangoda | Rukman | Assistant Professor of Art | 202-274-7373 | rniyangoda@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm B-1 |
Venne | Daniel | Professor of Art | 202-274-5781 | dvenne@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08 |
Prete | Davide | Associate Professor of Art | 202-274-5747 | davide.prete@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08 |
Kery | Peter | Assistant Professor of Art | 202-274-5058 | peter.kery@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg 42, Rm A08 |
Digital Media
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Vassell | Olive | Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Coordinator | 202-274-7371 | ovassell@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-D |
Hanff, Jr. | William | Associate Professor of Digital Media | 202-274-7402 | whanff@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-E |
Hollis | Penny | Assistant Professor of Digital Media | 202-274-5194 | penny.hollis@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-G |
Payton | Randi | Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Media | 202-274-5058 | randolph.payton@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B14-P |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Ridley | Charlene | Division Staff Assistant | 202-274-6178 | cridley@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4416 |
Yarbrough | Wynn | Professor of English | 202-274-5653 | wyarbrough@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 6113 |
Howe | Alexander | Professor of English and Honors Program Director | 202-274-5658 | ahowe@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4411 |
Krauthamer | Helene | Professor of English and Foreign Languages Coordinator | 202-274-5626 | hkrauthamer@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4414 |
Turpin | Cherie | Associate Professor of English | 202-274-5625 | cturpin@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4412 |
Vilageliu-Diaz | Ada | Assistant Professor of English | 202-274-5372 | ada.vilageliudiaz1@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4426 |
Wynne | Craig | Associate Professor of English | 202-274-5635 | craig.wynne@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 4415 |
Monea | Bethany | Assistant Professor of English | 202-274-5194 | bethany.monea@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 3337A |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Butler III | Johnny | Instructor & Director of Choral Activities | 202-274-5805 | jhbutler@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05-E |
Johnson | Allyn | Associate Professor of Music | 202-274-5811 | arjohnson@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A06D |
Korey | Judith | Professor of Music | 202-274-5803 | jkorey@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A03A |
Ormond | Nelda | Professor of Music | 202-274-5806 | normond@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05F |
Licata | Thomas | Associate Professor of Music | 202-274-5801 | thomas.licata@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05C |
Gardner | Willie | Music Technician | 202-274-5822 | wgardner@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm C08 |
Claiborne | Leah | Associate Professor of Music | 202-274-5810 | leah.claiborne@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave NW, Bldg 46W, Rm A05A |
Cutler | Tracey | Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music & Applied Woodwinds | 202-274-5814 | tracey.cutler@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Ave, NW Bldg 46W, Rm A06B |
Division of Education, Health, and Social Work
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Mizelle | Nathalie | Professor and Chair of the Division of Education, Health, and Social Work | 202-274-5797 | nathalie.mizellejohn@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4226 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Cooke | Benson | Professor of Counseling and Psychology | 202-274-6439 | bcooke@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4105 |
Boston | Quintin | Associate Professor of Counseling | 202-274-5439 | Quintin.boston@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4111 |
Rehabilitation Counseling
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Andrews | Anthony | Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling and Counselor Education | 202-274-5370 | anthony.andrews@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 4104 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Tyson | Camille | Project Specialist | 202-274-5754 | camille.tyson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4222 |
Bartee | Jennifer | Assistant Professor of Elementary Education | 202-274-5788 | Jennifer.bartee@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4213 |
Bruce | Heather | Adult Education Program Coordinator | 202-274-6984 | heather.bruce@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 39 Suite 113 |
Ivy | Kelly | Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education | 202-274-5194 | kelly.ivy@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4142 |
Kelley | Ayanna | Assistant Professor of Education & Program Director | 202-274-7245 | ayanna.kelley@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4224 |
King-Berry | Arlene | Professor of Special Education | 202-274-5973 | akberry@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4232 |
Wendt | Jillian | Associate Professor of Science Education | 202-274-5333 | jillian.wendt@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4236 |
Graves | Kenyatta | Clinical Instructor and Coordinator of Partnerships and Placements | 202-274-5403 | kenyatta.graves@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4235 |
Morrison | Sylvia | Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education | 202-274-5216 | sylvia.morrison@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4237 |
Bruewer | Aaron | Assistant Professor of Education | 202-274-6586 | aaron.bruewer@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4234 |
Essack | Mohammed | Clinical Instructor of Adult Education | 202-274-5194 | mohammed.essack@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, 3rd Fl. |
Farrow | Nicole | Assistant Professor of Special Education | 202-274-5194 | Nicole.farrow@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4217 |
Perkins | Angela | Program Coordinator and Education Advisor | 202-274-5631 | Angela.perkins@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4218 |
McNair-Lee | Dowan | Assistant Professor of Teacher Education | 202-274-5194 | dowan.mcnairlee@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4232 |
Avellaneda | Eulises | Assistant Professor of Teacher Education | 202-274-6568 | Eulises.avellaneda@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4219 |
Miles | Annette | Assistant Professor of Adult Education | 202-274-5194 | annette.miles@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3345A |
Social Work
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Allen | Elizabeth | Assistant Professor of Social Work | 202-274-5194 | elizabeth.allen@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4241 |
Brade Stennis | Kesslyn | Master of Social Work Program Director | 202-274-5194 | kesslyn.bradestennis@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4332 |
Green | Kahlil | Clinical Instructor of Social Work | 202-274-5194 | kahlil.green@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4214 |
Henderson | Angela | Assistant Professor of Social Work | 202-274-6502 | angela.henderson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4242 |
Oke | Temitope | Assistant Professor of Social Work | 202-274-5546 | temitope.oke@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4142 |
Simmons | Lamont | Associate Professor and Program Director of Social Work | 202-274-5194 | lamont.simmons@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4211 |
Richards-Palmiter | Lia | Assistant Professor of Social Work | 202- 274-7243 | lia.richardspalmiter@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4143 |
Speech-Language Pathology
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Demessie | Weynshet | Office Manager of Speech and Hearing Clinic | 202-274-6157 | wdemessie@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3213-A |
Gibson | Emily | Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5194 | emily.gibson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 3221 |
Gurley-Nettles | Tiffany | Assistant Professor and Program Director of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-6162 | tiffany.gurleynettle@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3229 |
Kalunga | Richard | Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-6851 | rkalunga@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4131 |
Ottey | Natalie | Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5325 | nottey@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4143 |
Ramos-Pizarro | Carmen Ana | Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-6895 | carmen.ramospizarro@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4141 |
Sweet | Lauren | Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5194 | lauren.sweet@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3210 |
Telford Rose | Sulare | Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5035 | sulare.telford@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3219 |
Gaspard-St. Cyr | Dorothy | Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-6162 | dorothy.gaspardstcyr@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3216 |
Pope | Tabia | Clinical Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5194 | Tabia.pope@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3215 |
Walters | Toni | Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology | 202-274-5194 | toni.walters@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3218 |
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
Chairperson/Secretary/Compliance Officer
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Song | Xueqing | Professor and Chair of the Division of Sciences and Mathematics | 202-274-7425 | xsong@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-01 |
Sutton | Lisa | Secretary | 202-274-7401 | lsutton@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-01 |
Kim | Ojkim | Compliance Officer | 202-274-6036 | okjin.kim@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-26 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Cousin | Carolyn | Professor of Biology and Director of Biology Master’s Program | 202-274-5874 | ccousin@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-14 |
Dixon | Freddie | Professor of Biology and Program Director of the STEM Center | 202-274-6474 | fdixon@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-15 |
Huderson | Brandy | Associate Professor of Biology | 202-274-5889 | brandy.huderson@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-06 |
Knight | Mathlide | Professor of Biology | 202-274-6486 | mathilde.knight@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-12 |
Robinson | Joni | Laboratory Manager, Biology Program | 202-274-5872 | jrobinson@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 305A |
Sone | Margaret | Laboratory Manager, Biology Program | 202-274-5876 | msone@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 302A |
Sneed | Rosie | Associate Professor of Biology | 202-274-6022 | rsneed@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-13 |
Waters | Samuel | Associate Professor of Biology | 202-274-5937 | samuel.waters@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-11 |
Wood | Anita | Program Manager, STEM Center for Research and Development | 202-274-6818 | awood@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 114 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Jones | Cheryl | Lab Technician, Chemistry Program | 202-274-5870 | cdjones@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 316A |
Smith | George | Lab Technician, Physics Program | 202-274-7422 | glsmith@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 321A |
Udeochu | Uche | Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Chemistry | 202-274-5508 | Uche.udeochu@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-09 |
Taraboletti | Alexandra | Assistant Professor of Chemistry | 202-274-6229 | Alexandra.Tarabolett@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-08 |
Dunning | Samuel | Assistant Professor of Chemistry | 202-274-7380 | samuel.dunning@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-05 |
Jabed | Mohammed | Assistant Professor of Chemistry | 202- 274-7274 | mohammed.jabed@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-07 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Darai | Abdi | Associate Professor of Mathematics | 202-274-5662 | adarai@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-16 |
Farmer | Shurron | Mathematics Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Mathematics | 202-274-6218 | farmer@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-23 |
Horton | Michael | Instructor (STEM Grant) | 202-274-6816 | michael.horton@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 44, Suite 114 |
Ratliff | Frederic | Mathematics Instructor | 202-274-6064 | fredric.ratliff@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-22 |
Miabey | Teylama | Professor of Mathematics | 202-274-5771 | Teylama.Miabey@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-18 |
Pippin | Gita | Mathematics Instructor and Lab Coordinator | 202-274-5988 | gita.pippin@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-19 |
Wylie | Dorshka | Assistant Professor of Mathematics | 202-274-6004 | dorshka.wylie@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-20 |
Mohamed | Ahmed | Assistant Professor of Mathematics | 202-274-6797 | Ahmed.Mohamed7@udc.edu | 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Bldg. 32, Suite B01-07 |
Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Flowers | Angelyn | Professor and Chair of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences | 202-274-5689 | aflowers@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3113 |
Crime, Justice & Security Studies/Homeland Security
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Chatman | Michelle | Associate Professor of Crime, Justice, and Security Studies | 202-274-5212 | mchatman@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4321 |
Pixley | Cotina | Clinical Instructor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program | 202-274-7462 | clane@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3117 |
Adams | Andrea | Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies | 202-274-5921 | andrea.adams@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3122 |
Lea | Suzanne | Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program | 202-274-5194 | suzanne.lea@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3016 |
Mazza | Anthony | Assistant Professor of Crime, Justice and Security Studies Program | 202-274-5194 | anthony.mazza@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3111 |
Shreve | Tayler | Clinical Instructor, Administration of Justice | 202-274-5194 | tsheve@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 3119 |
Human Development
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Fitzgerald | Megan | Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, Human Development | 202-274-5737 | megan.fitzgerald@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4327 |
Bennett-Roberts | Beverly | Visiting Professor of Human Development | 202-274-6573 | b.bennettroberts@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4326 |
Political Science
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Carson | Joanne | Division Secretary | 202-274-7403 | jcarson@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 4417 |
Huron | Amanda | Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Political Science | 202-274-7244 | amanda.huron@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4311 |
Giannaros | Jason | Assistant Professor of Political Science | 202-274-5194 | spiros.giannaros@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Fl. |
Gamble | Monique | Assistant Professor of Political Science | 202-274-5383 | mgamble@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4213 |
Yarish | Jasmine | Assistant Professor of Political Science | 202-274-6722 | jasmine.yarish@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4423 |
Daniels | Ashley | Assistant Professor of Political Science | 202-274-5194 | ashley.daniels3@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Fl. |
Shroyer | Guy | Associate Professor of Political Science | 202-274-5194 | gshroyer@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW 4th Suite 4418 |
Last Name | First Name | Title | Phone (202) |
Office Location | |
Rasayon | Niyana | Associate Professor of Psychology | 202-274-5623 | niyana.rasayon@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4323 |
Vixamar-Owens | Dhymsy | Assistant Professor of Psychology | 202-274-5378 | Dhymsy.vixamarowens@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 4321 |
Fredericks | Afiya | Assistant Professor of Psychology | 202-274-5194 | afiya.fredericks@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 4425 |
Hill | Kelli | Assistant Professor of Psychology | 202-274-5697 | kelli.hill@udc.edu | 4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 4144 |