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Program History

History of UDC’s GEP

The UDC General Education Program was launched in Fall 2010 after a comprehensive, fifteen-month reform effort led by faculty members from across the University. The committee sought to strengthen the institution’s baccalaureate offerings and develop a renewed curriculum that would address both the changing expectations at the University and changing approaches to undergraduate education nationwide.

Chaired by April Massey, Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the committee embraced the 14 core learning outcomes outlined in the Association of American Colleges and Universities’ report  “Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP),”

1. Inquiry 8. Teamwork
2. Critical thinking 9. Problem solving
3. Creative thinking 10. Civic knowledge and engagement – local and global
4. Written communication 11. Intercultural knowledge and competence
5. Oral communication 12. Ethical reasoning
6. Quantitative literacy 13. Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
7. Information literacy 14. Integrative learning

The committee issued its recommendations in a March 2010 report; a revised version of the report was adopted by the Academic Senate in April 2010. The first courses in the new General Education program were offered that fall.

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