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UDC Van Ness campus


President Edington

President and Executive Cabinet

The Office of the President is responsible for supporting the activities and initiatives of the university president and is comprised of the President’s administrative staff and the university’s Executive Cabinet.

Office of the President

Executive Cabinet

Chairman Bell

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the management and oversight of the university at large. The board plays a critical role in leading strategic initiatives to enhance the academic experience and overseeing the fiscal operations of the university.

Board Members

Board Meetings

Board Resolutions

Commencement 2023


The Provost and the Office of Academic Affairs are committed to shaping UDC into a vanguard of scholarship and learning. The Provost is responsible for managing the university’s academic offerings, maintaining accreditation standards and overseeing the academic integrity of the university at large.

Office of the Chief Academic Officer

Academic Advising

Faculty Senate

UDC Social Media feed


UDC utilizes the following offices to maintain communication with prospective and current students, faculty and staff, and the surrounding community.

Marketing and Communications UDC TV
slide from a contracting training deck


The Office of Finance, under the leadership of the Chief Financial Officer, is an independent finance unit that reports to the Government of the District of Columbia. This office is responsible for direct oversight and supervision of the financial and budgetary operations of each component of the university. 

Finance Capital Procurement
DC Mayor Murial Bowser and UDC President Maurice Edington

Government, Community and Corporate Relations

To ensure the university is fully utilizing its unique position as the only public institution of higher education in our nation’s capital, the university’s Office of Government, Community and Corporate Relations (OGCCR) is focused on keeping our local and federal officials, community members, and corporate partners informed and engaged.

Government, Community and Corporate Relations
Career fair

Human Resources

The role of Human Resources is to ensure the success of the university and all employees by providing services related to employment, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations.

Human Resources Careers @UDC Employee Resources
UDC computer lab

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) office is charged with coordinating and supporting the university’s IT infrastructure in accordance with defined policies and guidelines. This includes providing academic, research, and administrative staff with desktop support and maintaining computer laboratories and network access for students.

Information Technology
Screenshot of the UDC Foundation website

Institutional Advancement

Advancement at UDC supports the mission of cultivating alumni, community, and government support by raising funds for scholarships and major initiatives, providing and coordinating community engagement opportunities, and providing broad-based communications leadership that articulates the university’s mission to the region, state, and nation. The UDC Foundation and Alumni Affairs are also coordinated through the Institutional Advancement division.

Institutional Advancement The UDC Foundation Alumni Relations
Van Ness campus


The Office of the General Counsel is responsible for representing the the university in all legal matters and proceedings, and providing counsel in the areas of compliance and risk management.

General Counsel
UDC student center


The operations team is focused on making UDC a “preferred” employer as it supports the teaching and learning environment in pursuit of the university’s strategic goals.

More About Operations
Factsheet cover and charts

Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

The mission of the Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (OPIE) is to:

  • Support the University’s commitment to excellence and quality by collaborating with the University of the District of Columbia System’s academic, operational, and academic support units to ensure strategic objectives are benchmarked and become operational.
  • Identify and recommend solutions to enhance educational programs, administrative policies and procedures and educational support services.
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Assessment Business Process Management
UDC police

Public Safety

The Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management is responsible for maintaining the ongoing safety of University property, and ensuring that the campus is prepared in the case of an emergency event.

Public Safety/Campus Police Emergency Management
Ribbon cutting ceremony in front of Fuddruckers and Chick Fil A

Real Estate and Facilities

The Office of Real Estate and Facilities Management is responsible for the acquisition, management, and development of university property. The division of Auxiliary Services works in tandem with this to maintain a quality campus life experience for students, faculty, and staff.

Real Estate and Facilities Auxiliary Services
Greek life at UDC

Student Development and Success

The Office of Student and Development and Success provides leadership and development in the following comprehensive co-curricular: student life and services, housingstudent clubs and organizations; counseling and career services, admissions and enrollmentfinancial aid, health services and student support/TRIO pre-college programs.

Student Life Student Success Career Services Learn More About SDS
UDC plaza

Title III

The Title III office administers grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to developing institutions (with particular emphasis on Historically Black Colleges and Universities) to assist in the realization of each institution’s strategic plan.

More Title III Information
A male and a female student on the UDC plaza. They are wearing royal sashes.

Title IX

Title IX responds to all reports of discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination and harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking and retaliation. The Office of Compliance and Title IX also educates the university community about their rights, resources and responsibilities under the university’s Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy, its Title IX Policy Statement & Procedures and the Title IX Law of 1972.

More Title IX Information Title IX Policy
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