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Enrollment Management

UDC Enrollment Management

Enrollment management is here to help you learn everything you need to know about enrolling in the University of the District of Columbia. We look forward to having you join our growing community!

Next Steps to Enroll

The university's enrollment management unit was carefully developed to be the perfect pitstop for new and current students alike looking to enroll in and graduate from UDC. Our unit includes the offices of undergraduate recruitment admissions, graduate recruitment and operations, financial aid and residency coordination. For additional information about each, explore our primary enrollment services:


No matter your applicant type, we've got all the tools you'll need to successfully apply and seek admission to UDC. 

Office of Admissions

Financial Aid

Have questions about financial aid, FAFSA, tuition and more? Regardless of your needs, we're always here to help! 

Financial Aid & Support

You are our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with the support you need to ensure a smooth transition into the Firebird community.

Enrollment Resources

Our unit and offices don't just offer enrollment services. We also offer several crucial resources like your myUDC portal and Virtual Resource Learning Module. 

The Virtual Resource Learning Module serves as a step-by-step guide designed to assist you in completing all the necessary steps before you step into your first class. You will begin by clicking the "play" button, and then selecting "start" after a brief introduction. From there, you will select one of five available modules, including:

  • Portal Registration
  • How to View/Accept Financial Aid
  • How to View/Pay My Balance
  • How to Waive Follett All Access
  • How to Upload Immunization Records

Ready to get started? 

Virtual Resource Learning Module


Looking to learn more about UDC's Enrollment Services or one of our internal offices? Reach out today for more information!

Office of Recruitment and Admissions

Van Ness Campus
Building 39, Room A122

Office of Financial Aid


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