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DSAM Chemistry Program Instrumentation

The Division of Science and Mathematics is equipped with shared state-of-the-art instrumentation facilities to support student training and faculty research at UDC. The instruments are applicable for the analysis of various forms of materials.


Agilent Spectrophotometer – Cary 60

The Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer is a double beam system that is well-suited for teaching, research, or routine analysis. Its software is user-friendly and operates in the wavelength range of 190-1100 nm, running scans in three seconds. The instrument comes with a xenon source lamp. Long pathlength cuvettes can be fitted in the Cary 60. it is also fitted with solid sample reflectance accessories and fiber optic probes.  Other interesting features of the instrument include reduced time-consuming and expensive lamp replacements, and minimized instrument revalidation costs. The instrument is suitable for characterizing a wide variety of liquid and solid samples and is safe for measuring life-science samples without sample photodegradation.

For assistance or access to this instrument, please contact: Dr. Ozlem Dilek; email:



The Q20 is a general-purpose basic Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is suitable for research, teaching, and quality control applications. It is a rugged and reliable DSC instrument. The Q20 software provides superior sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio and provides the capability for direct measurement of heat capacity of materials. Other features of the DSC Q20 include dual digital mass flow controllers, temperature range amb to 725ᵒC, temperature accuracy +/- 0.1ᵒC and temperature precision of +/- 0.05ᵒC, dynamic measurement range +/- 350 mW, digital resolution > 0.04 µW, baseline curvature (-50 to 300 C) < 0.15 mW, baseline reproducibility < 0.04 mW, sensitivity 1.0 µW and indium height/width 8.0 Mw/ᵒC.

For assistance or access to the DSC Q20, please contact Dr. Uche Udeochu; Email:


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) – Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz

The Avance III is a full-fledged two-channel 400 MHz NMR spectrometer. The instrument is equipped with a chiller for easy measurements of liquids, solids, and at extended variable temperatures between -50 C to 120 C. Avance III is suitable for studying structure and dynamics in proteins, RNA, and small molecules and is capable of High-resolution magic angle spinning for evaluation of metabolite profiles of intact tissues. The instrument is equipped with a 24-position sample changer to make analysis easier. The features of Avance III also include an ultra-shielded magnet, nitrogen cooled cryoprobe, z-gradient for gradient enhanced experiments, optimization for multinuclear experiments from 15N to 31P, and auto-sampler changer.

For assistance or access to this instrument, please contact Dr. Xueqing Song; email:

Epsilon Eclipse electrochemical analyzer

EC Epsilon Eclipse Potentiostat / Galvanostat / Bipotentiostat

The Epsilon Eclipse electrochemical analyzer is one of the most common electrochemical system for characterizing new redox systems. It is excellent for electrochemical and chemical kinetics. The software can perform cyclic voltammetry, amperometry, coulometry, and controlled potential electrolysis-based analysis.

For assistance or access to this instrument, please contact Dr. Uche Udeochu; email:

Infrared Spectrophotometer Nicolet 6780

Infrared Spectrophotometer Nicolet 6780

The Nicolet 6780 is a research-grade FT-IR spectrometer. The OMINIC software suite in the Nicolet 6780 enables sample handling and facilitates routine analysis. The software is characterized by extensive internal controls and diagnostics and contains controlling filter, polarizers, and mirrors for specific applications in multiple spectral ranges, far-IR to UV-Vis. The instrument can perform time-based studies, rapid scans, and low-light level measurements. The Nicolet 6700 is applicable for a variety of solid and liquid samples.

For assistance or access to this instrument, please contact Ms. Cheryl Jones; email:

Anthon Paar Cora 5500 Raman Spectrometers

Anthon Paar Cora 5500 Raman Spectrometers

Cora 5500 is a compact research-grade raman instrument. The equipment is equipped with dual-wavelength – 532 and 736nm mobile fiber optic probes for maximum Raman signal with minimum fluorescence for measurement of different types of samples in solid, liquid, or powdery form. The wavelengths can be switched easily with the touch of a button. The Cora 5500 is fast and possesses high sensitivity and resolution. It is safe for people working near the equipment while it is in use.

For assistance or access to this instrument, please contact Dr. Uche Udeochu; email:

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