All students seeking to receive VA Educational Benefits must complete a UDC VA Education Enrollment Form.
Future Students
The Office of Military and Veterans Student Services is a centralized office designed to provide comprehensive resources to veterans and military related personnel who are utilizing VA and tuition assistant educational benefits.
Our office and the Military and Program Advisors provide guidance on certification requirements and act as liaisons between UDC and the Department of Veterans Affairs, while assisting you in your transition form the military to being a student. In addition to you using your educational benefits, our goal and mission is centered on our students’ success in their academic studies; which includes making sure each recipient understand the policies and regulations of each benefit.
If you have questions pertaining to payment, availability of benefit or approvals, please call the regional VA Office at 1-888-442-4551 or go to the GI Bill ® website.
New Students
The University of the District of Columbia’s VA Certifying Official works to correctly and quickly process your education benefits claim. Therefore, it is very important to submit all of the required documentation, and to make sure they are complete and accurate.
To facilitate your certification to with the Department of VA; you must be certified each semester for which you use VA education benefits.
This occurs when you apply for VA Educational Benefits at and complete one of the following applications:
VA Form 22-1990 for:
- Active Duty Service (Veteran)
- Reservist
- National Guardsman
VA Form 22-5490 for:
- Spouses / Dependents’
- John Fry Scholarship
VA Form 22-1990e for:
- Transfer of Entitlement (TOE / TEB)
You must also submit the UDC VA Education Enrollment Request Form.
Transient Students
The University of the District of Columbia’s Veteran's Affairs Certifying Official works to correctly and quickly process your education benefits claim. Therefore, it is very important to submit all of the required documentation and ensure they are complete and accurate.
To facilitate your certification to the Department of Veteran's Affairs, you must be certified each semester for which you use VA education benefits.
If you are taking classes at another institution and the classes are required for your major/approved minor at EMU; you will need to submit a copy of your class schedule and submit it to EMU Veteran Services. EMU Veteran Service Office will submit a letter to the institution you are attending verifying your classes are required and that institution will certify your benefits for classes taken there.
In addition, if you are taking classes at UDC and the classes are required for your major/approved minor at another institution; you will need to submit a copy of your class schedule to that institution. The institution will then supply UDC with a letter verifying your classes are required and that UDC will certify your benefits for classes taken here.
You must also submit the UDC VA Education Enrollment Request Form.
Current/Readmit Students
In order to continue to receive monthly benefits, continuing VA students must be certified each semester. Continuing students must complete the UDC VA Education Enrollment Request Form after courses are chosen for the semester.
Active Veterans receiving Kickers, Top Up, and Tuition Assistance must fax or mail a copy of the signed Tuition Assistance Authorization form to the Buffalo VA Regional Processing Office: PO Box 4616 Buffalo, NY 14240-4616 (FAX 716-551-3241)