Before you begin you housing search, take some time to think about questions you should ask yourself (include your parents if they are assisting with your transition to off-campus housing). Question examples include:
- How much can I afford in rent per month?
- How much can I afford in utilities and cable/internet per month?
- Can I apply for “Housing” monies through Financial Aid? How does that work?
- Do I want a roommate/Will I need a roommate?
- Where can I find a roommate?
- Will I need a co-signer? Do I have a co-signer?
- Do I want a 12 month lease or a month to month lease? What’s the difference?
- How much will transportation cost to and from campus (and work) per month?
- If I have a vehicle, will I need a parking permit to park on the street in my new neighborhood? Where do I get the permit?
- What neighborhood(s) would I be ok living in?
- What neighborhood(s) will I absolutely not live in?
- What’s the furthest I’m willing to commute?
- Do I need “pet friendly” housing?
- Do I need “family housing”?
Once you’ve thought of and answered all of those important questions, the next thing to do is start your housing search. The initial search will be done online. Below is a list of some popular websites: