Faculty Team: Jiajun Xu (UDC), Pawan Tyagi (UDC), Angel Alvarez-Hernandez (JSC), Mike Ellis (ACT), Calin Tarau (ACT), Bao Yang (UMD)
UDC team led by Dr. Xu and external collaborators (including Advanced Cooling Technologies, University of Maryland, and NASA Johnson Space Center) have been working collaboratively.
Related Publication:
Kabir, M., Xu, J., Gemeda, T., & Preller, E. Design and Development of a PCM-Based Two-Phase Heat Exchanger Manufactured Additively for Spacecraft Thermal Management Systems . International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180, 121782 P1.
Kabir, M., Gameda, T., Preller, E., Xu J. Additively Manufactured Two-Phase Heat Exchanger Integrating PCMs for Spacecraft Thermal Management. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2021)
Faculty Team: Pawan Tyagi(UDC), Kate Klein(UDC), Jiajun Xu(UDC), Devdas Shetty(UDC), Angel Alvarez-Hernandez (JSC), Mike Ellis (ACT), Calin Tarau (ACT), Bao Yang (UMD)
UDC team led by Dr. Tyagi and external collaborators (including Advanced Cooling Technologies, University of Maryland, and NASA Johnson Space Center) have been working on the task 1 in which methods to process the surface finishing of AM produced parts is being developed.

Faculty Team: Lei Wang (UDC), Qiushi Chen (Clemson), Jiajun Xu (UDC), Kamlesh Lulla (JSC)
UDC team led by Dr. Wang and external collaborator at Clemson University, have been working on the task 1 in which they are working on how to formulate a bio-inspired energy-efficient drilling method and develop a discrete element model for evaluating the mechanism for interaction of drilling tool and the lunar regolith (granular materials). The technical lead has engaged three UDC students to work on this project.
Related Publication:
Xu, J., Wang, L., Gemeda, T., Demisse, W., Rios, J. Design and Development of a Direct-Metal-Laser-Sintering (DMLS) Manufactured Geothermal System Heat Exchanger for Easy Installation and Improved Efficiency. 2020 American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE)
Wang, L., Tait, S., Khoshnevisan, S., Barati, F., & Juang, C.H. Probabilistic Stability Assessment of Earthen Levees Subjected to Earthquake Loads. International Foundations Conference and Equipment Expo (IFCEE-2021), Geotechnical Special Publication 325, pp. 189-196.
Xu, J., Wang, L., Kabir, M., Gemeda,T., Demisse, W., Estrada, S. Design and Development of a Novel Additively Manufactured Geothermal Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Energy Research (IJER)
Project Title:
Investigation of the Effect of Cross Section & Aspect Ratio on Heat Transfer Performance of Nanoemulsion Flow in AM Microchannel Heat Exchangers.

Design and Development of an AM Geothermal Heat Exchanger for Easy Installation under Ground Surface.

Moving along from 2022, in addition, the team with expanded faculty researchers have started to work on newly proposed projects. The new projects in four main research thrusts are listed below which are aligned with NASA mission directorates in Space Technology Mission Directorate and Human Exploration (STMD) & Operations Mission Directorate (HEO).

Research Thrust-1: Additively Manufactured Systems for Space Applications
Sub-project 3: 3D Printing Space Hardware using Thermoset Resins
Team members: Jiajun Xu (UDC), Xueqing Song (UDC), Stand Bouslog (JSC), Richard Hagen (JSC), Adam Sidor (JSC)
Research Thrust-2: Nano-manufactured Systems for Space Applications
Sub-project 2: Magnetic Tunnel Junction based Molecular Spintronics Device (MTJMSD) enabled Magnetic Resonance Chemical Detection for NASA Exploration
Team Members: Pawan Tyagi (UDC), Vivek Dwivedi (GSFC)
Sub-project 3: Novel Heat Transfer Fluids for Lunar Surface Applications
Team Members: Jiajun Xu (UDC), Xueqing Song (UDC), Bao Yang (UMD), Angel Alvarez-hernandez (JSC), Calin Tarau (ACT), Travis Belcher (MSFC), Richard Schunk (MSFC)
Research Thrust-3: Additive Manufacturing for ISRU
Sub-Project 1: Engineering characteristics of lunar regolith-based building block using AM
Team members: Lei Wang (UDC), Jiajun Xu (UDC), Robert Mueller (KSC)
Sub-project 2: Aquaponics with ethylene scavengers to support human life off Earth
Team Members: Hossain Azam (UDC), Raymond Wheeler (KSC), Gioia Massa (KSC)
Sub-project-3: Synergistic roles of recoverable in-situ materials to support human life off Earth
Team Members: Hossain Azam (UDC), Raymond Wheeler (KSC), Gioia Massa (KSC)
Research Thrust-4: Human Health and Performance
Sub-Project 1: Evaluate exercise-based strategies for movement enhancement of such individuals as astronauts and those who have impaired gait
Team members: Ji Chen (UDC), Kaitlin H. Lostroscio (JSC), Lara Thompson (UDC), Jiajun Xu (UDC)
Sub-project 2: Simulate optimal assistive devices to improve joint kinematics and reduce the metabolic cost of walking
Team members: Ji Chen (UDC), Kaitlin H. Lostroscio (JSC), Lara Thompson (UDC), Jiajun Xu (UDC)
Sub-project 3: Exploring relationships between output EVA suit movements to input body movements within the suit
Team members: Lara Thompson (UDC), Ji Chen (UDC), Linh Vu (JSC), Sudhakar Rajulu (JSC)