Nano-enhance Phase Change Material &Loop Heap-Pipe Enabled Hybrid Thermal Management of Electromechanical Actuator. Dr. Xu (PI). $200,000, 2021-2023.
Pilot Projects for the Intelligence & Security University Research Enterprise (INSURE) Academic Consortia "Machine Learning Experimentation" Dr. Paul Cotae (Pl) and others. $300,000, 2021-2022.
Department of Defense (DoD)
Acquisition of Advanced Robotics and Autonomous Vehicle Technology (AR- AVT) for Research in Smart Grid Systems, Teaching, and K-12 Outreach at the University of the District of Columbia". Dr. Shahirinia and CO-Pls. $391,796, 2020-2022.
Department of Defense (DOD)
Understanding the Processing- Microstructure-Property of Additively Manufactured Parts, Multi-scale Modeling and Experimental Characterization, Department of Defense (DoD) (Pl) Jiajun Xu, Nian Zhang, Kate Klein, and Devdas Shetty. $660,000, 2020-2023.
Department of Defense (DOD)
GPU Accelerated Micro-CT Imaging System for Research and Education [GPU Accelerated Micro-CT Imaging of Mineral Precipitation Growth in Bio-Mediated Soil. Pl: Max Denis, Co-PIs: Hossain Azam, Lei Wang, JiaJun Xu. $389,000, 2021-2022.
Department of Defense (DOD)
Acquisition of LC-MS/MS to Accelerate Multidisciplinary Research, Education and Training Capabilities at UDC PI: Hossain Azam, Co-PIs: Tolessa Deksissa, Alexandra Taraboletti, Xueqing Song, Ozlem Dilek, Uche Udeochu, Rosie Sneed, Brandy Huderson. $403,978, 2022-2023.
Department of Defense (DOD)
Davison J (PI, Catholic University of America), et al., Thompson LA (Consultant), Research and Innovative STEM Education (RAISE): To lift or move to a higher position or level. $750,000, 2022-2024.
Department of Energy (DOE)
Drying System using Heat Pumps using additive manufacturing. Consortium with University of Maryland. $3,000,000, 2023-2025. PI Jiajun Xu, Co-PI Kate Klein.
Department of Energy and MSI STEM Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC)
Development of Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells with SnO2 as Electron Transport Layer. PI: Hongmei Dang. $400,000, September 2022-September 2024.
Implementation of partial denitrification anammox (PdNA) technology utilizing fermentate as a carbon source at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater treatment plant PI: Hossain Azam. $57,700/year, 2023.
Microsoft Impact 2020 Award Title: Capacity Building in Cyber Security and Computer Engineering Microsoft Dr. Kacem (Pl) and others. $135,000, 2021-2023.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Aquaponics with Ethylene Scavengers to Support Human Life Off Earth. NASA Fellowship, Pl: Hossain Azam. $100000, 2021-2023.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Investigating Human mobility and activity while robed in EVA Space suit (Mars) NASA Fellowship. Lara Thompson (Pl). $100,000, 2021-2023.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Thompson LA (PI), Romero R (graduate candidate). Investigating Human Mobility and Activity while Robed in an EVA Spacesuit (MARS). NASA Fellowship Activity. $100,000, 2021-2023.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
“Developing NASA-infused Curriculum and Experiential Research for Student Success in Space Technology” for award for a total of $1.2 million. We are collaborating with NASA Goddard Space flight center and UDC community college in this proposal to develop NASA infused curriculum. Jiajun Xu. (PI). $1,200,000 2023-2025. Co-PI Kate Klein, Ronnie Brown
Advancing Diversity in Aging Research through Undergraduate Education at the University of the District of Columbia. PAR-17-290 NIA MSTEM: Advancing Diversity in Aging Research through Undergraduate Education (R25) Dr. Thompson, Dr. Denis, and Dr. Zhang. $1,890,000, 2020-2025.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Integrating Risk and Resilience into Undergraduate Engineering Education Towards a Hazard-Resilient Built Environment. Principal Investigator: Lei Wang, Co-PI: Pradeep K. Behera, Jiajun Xu, Sasan Haghani. $399,931, 2018-2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Targeted Infusion Project: STEM- Business Focused Logistics and international Trade (LIT} Analytics Principal Investigator: Anshu Arora (SBPA) Co-Principal Investigators: Lei Wang, Pradeep K. Behera, Amit Arora, Mohamad Sepehri. $399,967, 2019-2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Predictive Models for Wind- Penetrated Power Systems Using the Bayesian Approach. PI: Dr. Shahirinia. $275,420, 2019-2022.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Targeted Infusion Project: Workforce Development for a New Generation of Cyber Security System Dr. Kacem (Pl) and others. $388,C60000, 2020-2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
CISE-MSI: RCBP-ED: CNS: Data Science and Engineering for Agriculture Automation. Dr. Kim (PI) and others. $299,000, 2021-2023.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: RPEP: HBCU Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (AI-Cyber) Research Partnership. Dr. Wellman (PI), Timothy Oladunni, Lily Liang. $152,000, 2021-2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
MERGE: Multiphysics Enriched Mixed Reality for Integrated Geotechnical Education, National Science Foundation (Subaward from Rowan University): Lei Wang (Pl). $21,920, 2021-2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Medium: Collaborative Research. MUDL: Multidimensional Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Framework PI: Dong Jeong. $200,000, 2021-2025.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Thompson LA (PI). Alan T. Waterman Awardee 2022. Highest early career honor for early-career scientists and engineers. $1,000,000, 2022-2027.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Supplemental fund for NSF-CREST Center for Nanotechnology Research and Education, PI Pawan Tyagi, Co-PIS Devdas Shetty, Kate Klein, Jiajun Xu, Hongmei Dang. $100,000, 2023-2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Catalyst Award: Integrating Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus into Undergraduate Engineering and Science Education PI: Hossain Azam, Co-PIs: Pradeep Behera, Tolessa Deksissa, Matthew Richardson. $200,000, 2022-2024.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Collaborative Research: CUE-T: HBCU Learning Community-based Intervention in Computing, PI- Briana Wellman, Co-PI Lily Liang, Senior Personnel- Uzma Amir. $598,934, 2023-2026.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Game Theory Based Climate Change Impact Analysis for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure Systems Co-PI: Hossain Azam, PIs: Bryan Higgs (PI), Pradeep Behera (Co-PI), Thabet Kacem. HBCU-RISE $999,711 2022-2025.
Use of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) to measure environmental, economic, and societal impacts of aquaponics and hydroponics, Pl: Hossain Azam, Co- PIs: Jose-Luis lzursa, Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman, Matthew L. Richardson, Patricia D. Millner, Thomas Wheet. $90,000, 2021-2023.
National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity-Cybersecurity Education Diversity Initiative (CEDI) Dr. Wellman (Pl) and others. $297,000, 2020-2024.
Economical production of methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) and struvite recovery from agricultural waste, energy crops, and food waste PI: Hossain Azam. $15,000, 2022-2025.
Propel Center
PROPEL UDC: A Diverse Pipeline of Agrotechnology Talents for Urban Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Anacostia Schools and Ward 08 of Washington, DC. PIs: Patrick Gusman, Rodney Trapp, Harris Trobman, Jordan Clayton, and Hossain Azam. $300,000, 2022-2023.
USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus: Using Rainwater Harvesting and Solar Energy for Next Generation Urban Farming Practices, Co-Pl: Hossain Azam, Pl: Harris Trobman, Co-PIs: Mamatha Hanumappa. $90,000, 2022-2023.
Next generation materials to optimize both methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) production economically from agricultural waste, energy crops, and food waste PI: Hossain Azam, Co-PIs: Stephanie A. Lansing, Tolessa Deksissa, Jose-Luis Izursa, Amro Hassanein, Kibria K. Roman. $90,000, 2023-2025.
USDA-Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Quantification of environmental, economic, and societal impacts of specialty crops grown in aquaponics and hydroponics. Pl: Hossain Azam, Co-PIs: Jose-Luis lzursa, Sheikh Mokhlesur Rahman, Matthew L. Richardson, Patricia D. Millner, Thomas Wheet, Sabine O'Hara. $58,612, 2022-2024.
USDA-Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus: Next Generation Urban Farming Practices to Integrate Specialty Crop Production with Rainwater Harvesting and Solar Energy, Pl: Hossain Azam, Co-PIs: Harris Trobman, Mamatha Hanumappa, JiaJun Xu. $45,112, 2022-2024.
Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Space Technology & Applied Research (CAM-STAR)
CAM-STAR PI Dr. Jiajun Xu. $5,000,000, 2019-2025.
Center for Nanotechnology Research and Education (CNRE)
Pawan Tyagi (PI), Devdas Shetty, Kate Klein, Jiajun Xu, Hongmei Dang. $5,000,000, 2019-2025.
NIH-Specialized Technological Center for Assistive Rehabilitation Research (STAR)
Creating STAR center PAR-20-086, C06 Research Facilities Grant, National Institutes of Health. Lara Thompson (Pl), Mr. Timothy Millner (Key Personnel). $5,300,000, 2020-2025.
U.S. Army Center of Excellence for Acoustic and Seismic Sensing of Urban Environments
Max Denis (Pl), Lei Wang, Wagdy Mahmoud. $2,114,426, 2021-2026.