All MS in EE students are required to take the following two core courses:
- ELEC-571 Linear systems
- ELEC-507 Probability and Random Processes
The course requirements for students majoring in the Communications and Signal Processing area are:
Take the following two core courses
- ELEC 558 Digital Signal Processing I
- ELEC 569 Digital Communications I
Select the rest of the courses from Groups A and C of suggested and free elective courses.
Selected courses must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Project option students must take ELEC-599 Master’s Project that counts for 3 credit hours.
Thesis option students must take ELEC-699 Master’s Thesis that counts for 6 credit hours.
The course requirements for students majoring in the Digital Systems Engineering area are:
Take the following two core courses
- ELEC-559 Computer Architecture
- ELEC-584 Digital System-level Design
Select the rest of the courses from Groups A and C of suggested and free elective courses. Selected courses must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Project option students must take ELEC-599 Master’s Project that counts for 3 credit hours.
Thesis option students must take ELEC-699 Master’s Thesis that counts for 6 credit hours.
Group A list of Suggested Elective Courses |
ELEC 510 Communications and Security for Smart Grid
ELEC 520 Power electronics
ELEC 555 Adaptive Filters
ELEC 560 Digital Image Processing
ELEC 568 Wireless Communications
ELEC 569 Digital Communications I
ELEC 578 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
ELEC 579 Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
ELEC 580 Digital System design and Synthesis
ELEC 559 Computer Architecture
ELEC 574 Digital Information Theory
ELEC 575 Wireless Networks
ELEC 584 Digital System-level Design
ELEC 585 Design of a System on a Chip (SoC)
ELEC 586 Advanced Embedded System design
ELEC 658 Digital Signal Processing II
ELEC 659 Advanced Computer Architecture
ELEC 665 Multimedia Communications
ELEC 669 Digital Communications II
ELEC 673 Coding Theory and Applications
ELEC 678 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design
ELEC 692 Advanced Topics in Signal and Image Processing
ELEC 693 Advanced Topics in Digital Communications
ELEC 599 Master’s Project (3 credit hours)
ELEC 699 Master’s Thesis (6 credit hours)
Group B list of Suggested Elective Courses |
ELEC 510 Communications and Security for Smart Grid
ELEC 520 Power electronics
ELEC 555 Adaptive Filters
ELEC 558 Digital Signal Processing I
ELEC 564 Digital Image Processing
ELEC 568 Wireless Communications
ELEC 569 Digital Communications
ELEC 578 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
ELEC 579 Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
ELEC 580 Digital System Design and Synthesis
ELEC 583 Introduction to Computer Aided Digital Design Lab
ELEC 574 Digital Information Theory
ELEC 575 Wireless Networks
ELEC 585 Design of a System on a Chip (SoC)
ELEC 586 Advanced Embedded System design
ELEC 592 Advanced Topics in Signal and Image Processing
ELEC 658 Digital Signal Processing II
ELEC 659 Advanced Computer Architecture
ELEC 665 Multimedia Communications
ELEC 669 Digital Communications
ELEC 673 Coding Theory and Applications
ELEC 678 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design
ELEC 693 Advanced Topics in Digital Communications
ELEC 599 Master’s Project (3 credit hours)
ELEC 699 Master’s Thesis (6 credit hours)
Group C (Free Electives)
Courses in computer science, mathematics, or any other related courses that the student’s advisory committee approves. Selected courses must logically fit within the student’s plan of study.