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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

senior design

This department is a dynamic and growing community of scholars who are actively advancing the field and its many professions.  The faculty is diverse, and members participate in a myriad interdisciplinary initiatives that incorporate electrical and computer engineering into the advancement of other fields. The department performs extensive research in these areas, such as renewable energy, advanced embedded systems, cyberphysical systems (IoTs), cybersecurity, smart grid technology, digital communications, medical image processing, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology.

The Department strives for continuous improvement in order to ensure that students remain on the cutting edge of their field. In addition to a rigorous undergraduate curriculum, the department offers a Master’s program in electrical engineering. The department is committed to producing engineers with a strong technical background that can be applied across various industries. The programs are designed to prepare students to continue their education at the graduate and doctoral levels, and enter the workforce with a competitive advantage.


The mission of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department reflects both the mission of the University of the District of Columbia and the mission of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The Department strives to provide educational opportunities that will prepare the students for effective and productive careers in the Electrical Engineering profession, for graduate-level studies, and for lifelong learning.

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Electrical Engineering offers an option in computer engineering, and is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc.

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the department at the Van Ness Campus.



Programs of Study

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the following programs:


For more information contact

Dr. Paul Cotae
Department Chair
Director of Ph.D. Program
Director of SEAS Research Center

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