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Vision, Mission and Goals

The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is an urban land-grant university that offers associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and professional degree programs, as well as community education and certificate programs to learners of all ages. The College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) embodies the land-grant tradition of UDC. In addition to offering innovative academic programs in urban architecture and community development, urban sustainability, health education, nursing, and nutrition and dietetics, we also offer a wide range of community education programs through our land-grant centers:

  1. The Center for Urban Agriculture and Gardening Education
  2. The Center for Urban Resilience, Innovation and Infrastructure which includes the Water Resources Research Institute
  3. The Center for Nutrition Diet and Health, which includes the Institute of Gerontology.


The mission of the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences of the University of the District of Columbia is to offer research-based academic and community outreach programs that improve the quality of life and economic opportunities of people and communities in the District of Columbia, the nation and the world.


The College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences is poised to develop into a world leader in designing and implementing top quality, research-based academic and community outreach programs that measurably improve the quality of life and economic prosperity of people and communities in the District of Columbia, the nation and the world.

Goals for CAUSES Graduates

CAUSES graduates are exceptionally well-prepared to succeed in their chosen field of study. Our graduates stand out by having distinctive attributes and competencies. CAUSES graduates are:

  1. Global citizens committed to local relevance.
  2. Adept at solving urban problems.
  3. Committed to health and wellness, food and water security.
  4. Skilled at navigating diverse social, cultural, built and natural environments.
  5. Independent thinkers and collaborative team players.
  6. Adaptive lifelong learners.

Goals for District Residents and Organizations

CAUSES land-grant programs are exceptionally well-positioned to advance the sustainability goals of the District of Columbia and the five core objectives of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which are to:

  1. Improve food security.
  2. Mitigate climate change.
  3. Combat childhood obesity and other food related illness.
  4. Improve food safety.
  5. Improve water safety and management.
  6. Expand alternative energy solutions.
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