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Laboratory Services - EQTL


Environmental Quality Testing Laboratory

About Us

The Environmental Quality Testing Laboratory (EQTL) of the University of the District of Columbia offers full-service environmental sampling and analysis to customers in the DC Metro Area and beyond. Managed by the DC Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) of the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES), EQTL provides a wide range of services, including high-quality reliable and affordable analytical, and field sample collection services. Our team of experts, who possess interdisciplinary science and engineering experience, is committed to providing our customers with accurate data on time, using the latest technology, instrumentation, and resources.

Our Services

Analytical Testing

  • Metals and elemental analysis in all matrices: soil, compost, biosolids, plant and animal tissues
  • Plant nutrients in soil (phosphate and nitrate)
  • Semi-volatile organic compounds (pesticides) in water
  • Microbiology (Fecal Coliform) in water
  • Soil pH, water hardness or total alkalinity

Customer Services

  • Electronic data deliverables to clients
  • Data interpretation
  • Pre-printed chain-of-custody and sampling container labels
  • Sampling containers
  • Sample collection (DC only)
  • Courier services, including on-site pickup, and sample kit drop-off (DC only)

If you are interested in a quote to order a laboratory testing service, please read our standard terms and conditions and then make a request for a quote.


Chain of Custody Form for Sample Collection

NH ELAP (New Hampshire Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) Accreditation Certificate

NH ELAP (New Hampshire Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) Accreditation Analyte List

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