About the Rehabilitation Counseling Practicum and Internship
Students are required to complete 9 semester hours of practicum and internship experience (700 Clinical Hours. Students pursuing the Master of Arts Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling must complete RHCN 510 Practicum in Rehabilitation Counseling as a prerequisite for Internship I and II. During clinicals, students are provided with weekly individual and group supervision. Internship I and II require a cumulative of 600 clock hours of supervised experience in the field (240 hours must be direct service with clients).
The clinical experience facilitates the application of theory and classroom learning. Students become familiar with various work settings, professional tasks and receive clinical supervision on site. Students must complete a 100-hour practicum experience which includes 40 hours of direct service to clients. The primary objective of clinical experience is to provide students with an opportunity to develop further clinical rehabilitation counseling skills, case recording, case management, and job placement and to experience the practical application of client services. Students will also have the opportunity to experience other professional activities related to the counseling field.
During internships, students perform responsibilities expected of a professional counselor, such as application of professional career materials, appraisal activities, working directly with the client population, collaborating with other professionals in the field, and functioning as a valuable member of the organization/professional environment. Involvement in other professional-related activities, such as national, regional and state conferences, is strongly encouraged.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Nathalie Mizelle-Johnson
Graduate Rehabilitation Counseling Program
Van Ness Campus
Building 44, Room 200-32
4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20008