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Course Descriptions

Rehabilitation Counseling Course Descriptions

RHCN500 Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling
Examines the history, philosophy, and legislation related to the development of the field. Focuses is on research findings, current policies, government entities, and ethical issues..

RHCN505 Directed Readings in Rehabilitation
Provides intensive study in one or more topical areas of rehabilitation through directed readings and the evaluation of rehabilitation delivery systems and resources.

RHCN506 Psychosocial and Medical Aspects of Disability in Rehabilitation
Overview of major physical, cognitive, neurological, developmental, substance use and psychiatric disorders, and sensory impairments. Psychosocial and Medical  Aspects also focuses on the psychosocial and psychological aspects of medical conditions. Covers cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, blood/immune systems, endocrine and dermatologicconditions disability. Emphasizes functional limitations, intervention resources, contributions ofmedical and allied health professions. Explores implications of adjusting to disabling medicalconditions. Emphasizes functional limitations, intervention resources, contributions of medical and allied health professions functional limitations, intervention resources, contributions of medical and allied health professions, and psychosocial implications of adjusting to disabling conditions. Course includes a module on DSM-5.

RHCN507 Career Counseling in Rehabilitation
Explores career theories and other practices associated with successful job placement activities. Examines transferable skills analysis, labor market analysis, job seeking skills training, employer identification, management of job development campaign, as well as supported employment strategies. Explores technology related to these areas.

RHCN508 Rehabilitation Counseling Theories
Examines conceptual frameworks of major counseling theories and guides rehabilitation counselors in the development of conceptual and theoretical preference. Focuses on principles and
approaches relevant to rehabilitation counseling and supervision. Includes a module on family and systems theory.

RHCN509 Introduction to Rehabilitation Research and Program Evaluation
Examines quantitative and qualitative methods used in human services research. Prepares students to read, analyze, and evaluate research, and equips them with the skills to evaluate the effectiveness of service delivery programs.

RHCN510 Practicum in Rehabilitation Counseling
Students supervised by Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC) complete a 100-hour practicum.Provides opportunities to demonstrate counseling skills with disabled individuals in a rehabilitationagency or community rehabilitation centers.

RHCN511 Internship in Rehabilitation Counseling I
Provides opportunities to demonstrate counseling skills in a rehabilitation setting, agencies, and community rehabilitation centers with primary supervision by a qualified CRC. Students spend significant time within an agency functioning as a professional rehabilitation counselor. Students should complete 600 hours in part I and II totaling 600 hours.3

RHCN512 Internship in Rehabilitation Counseling II
Provides opportunities to demonstrate advanced rehabilitation counseling skills in a rehabilitation setting, agencies, and community rehabilitation centers with primary supervision by a qualified CRC. Students are required to spend significant time within an agency functioning as a professional rehabilitation counselor. Students will complete 300 hours during Internship I and II totaling 600 hours.

RHCN513 Job Development and Placement in Rehabilitation
Explores occupational information job matching systems and job placement approaches. Focuses on demand-side job development, job-seeking skills training, supported employment, transitional work, and placement techniques, including job analyses, ADA implementation, and labor market surveys. Includes a module on assistive technology.

RHCN515 Developmental Disorders & Rehabilitation  
Uses a 20-hour field experience component involving individuals with developmental disabilities in local DRS agencies. Provides an opportunity for students to better understand the unique challenges of individuals with developmental disabilities and to learn about the ways in which rehabilitation adapts to meet these challenges. Utilizes a life span approach to increase awareness and sensitivity about the variety of issues an individual with a developmental disability and his/her family may encounter.

RHCN516 Rehabilitation and Traumatic Brain Injury
Uses a 20-hour field experience component involving individuals with developmental disabilities in localDRS agencies. Reviews various types of traumatic brain injury and common physical, cognitive andbehavioral consequences. Provides information on head injury and methods for discussing common causes of traumatic brain injury, continuum of care, and factors that contribute to the successful rehabilitation and recovery of a person from traumatic brain injury.

RHCN517 Rehabilitation & Psychiatric Disabilities
Uses a 20-hour field experience component involving individuals with psychiatric disabilities in local DRS agencies. Provides an overview of psychiatric disability and rehabilitation approaches, and reviews current and evolving evidence-based practices in employing individuals with psychiatric disabilities, including supported employment.

RHCN518 Rehabilitation, Transition and the Educational Setting
Uses a 20-hour field experience component involving visiting sites that prepare individuals with disabilities to enter the post school environment, this course provides an opportunity for students to better understand

RHCN519 Neuropsychological Assessment Lecture
Surveys representative tests and techniques utilized in neuropsychological assessment of brain functioning. Explores methodologies in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected
neuropsychological tests. Provides instruction in how to prepare a written neuropsychological profile and explains the terminology used in reaching diagnostic decisions.

RHCN520 Neuropsychological Assessment Laboratory 
Provides a laboratory setting for teaching applied psychological assessment usingneuropsychological tests.

RHCN522 Application of Rehabilitation Counseling in a Field-Based Setting
Examines the major approaches and best practices of counseling techniques with a focus on individuals with disabilities. Incorporates traditional micro-counseling skills from a rehabilitation counseling perspective that may be understood contextually and operationally. Demonstrates how micro-counseling skills can be used to evaluate, analyze, coordinate, teach, confer, and advocate on behalf of consumers with disabilities in a way that strengthens the consumer’s capacity to live independently, become employed, and become more integrated with the community-at-large. Significant time is spent on experiential activities including dyads, triads, and role-playing. recommendations, and locating the resources for assistive technology devices and services.

RHCN524 Ethics in Rehabilitation Counseling
Examines ethical and legal practice guidelines that are critical to rehabilitation counseling. Also addresses growing, emergent issues within the profession and in the disability arena as these relate to the future direction of rehabilitation counseling. Emphasizes professional identity development and professional behavior which influences effective, ethical decision making in practice and research.

RHCN525 Introduction to Vocational Evaluation
Reviews foundations of vocational evaluation, including philosophical and historical aspects as these relate to consumers with disabilities. Incorporates didactic and practical methods. Examines standardized assessment tools including interest rating scales, career development instruments,intelligence, achievement, and ability tests, projective techniques, personality measures, and adaptive behavioral measures. Discusses the impact of the information derived from these instruments on job and career development and the independent living potential of consumers with disabilities.

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