CNSL507 Grief Counseling
Explores philosophical, theoretical, and practical considerations necessary for work with individuals experiencing death, grief, and loss. Prepares students for work with those dying and bereaved loved ones.
CNSL508 Organization and Administration of Counseling
Examines management and organizational concepts in general and highlights how these relate to educational and human service delivery systems. Reviews management theory with a focus on key management functions. Examines the development and functioning of school counseling offices.
CNSL509 Counseling Philosophies
Surveys counseling as a discipline by examining its philosophical foundations and the major undergirding principles and practice, including models of human development, principles of learning, and principles of guidance and counseling.
CNSL510 Group Counseling
Examines the major schools, as well as contemporary trends, in group counseling including didactic and experiential models. Provides laboratory exercises which demonstrate different group approaches, offering opportunities to experience both group leadership and group participation.
CNSL513 Cultural Diversity Issues and Multicultural Counseling
Reviews counseling theories and the appropriateness of each for counseling minorities including the aged, handicapped, gifted, mentally disabled, women, those with diverse sexual orientation and members of racial and ethnic groups.
CNSL514 Theories of Counseling
Examines conceptual frameworks of major counseling theories and guides counselors in the development of theoretical preference.
CNSL517 Career Theories and Development
Reviews information related to training and educating for jobs and careers, marriage and careers, and retirement careers. Utilizes a series of practical class projects, such as performing a job analysis, studying an occupational information program, reviewing systems for classifying materials and information. Also involves critically reviewing and analyzing occupational materials from commercial publishers and professional associations to teach concepts. Explores the rationale behind the contributions of major career theorists.
CNSL518 Practicum
Facilitates the development of counseling skills in preparation for internship experience.
CNSL519 Appraisal Techniques of Counseling
Examines techniques and methods of human appraisal, including standardized testing,autobiographical techniques, case histories, case studies, and interviews.
CNSL521 Internship I
Requires hands-on work in a counseling setting under the direction of a qualified professional. Requires clinically supervised onsite and classroom hours.
CNSL522 Internship II
Continues the field experience with additional responsibilities to enhance continued skill development. Requires clinically supervised on-site and classroom hours.
CNSL528 Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
Examines the psychological aspects of addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, psychotropics, hallucinogenic drugs, gambling, and sex. Integrates discussions of psychosocial factors leading to addictive states and explores approaches and strategies for prevention, control, counseling, and treatment across the course curriculum.
CNSL529 Human Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction
Discusses topics that are germane to the counselor’s roles as sex educator and sex counselor. Covers
reproductive processes, sexual behavior, sex and gender, marriage, family and interpersonal relationships, and sex and health. Analyzes theories and empirical studies of social processes and sexual practices.
CNSL530 Techniques of Counseling
Focuses on interviewing and counseling skills for effective therapeutic relationships. Also highlights developing counseling goals, designing intervention strategies, assessing client outcomes ,and implementing methods to effectively terminate counseling relationships.
CNSL531 Ethics, Legal and Legislative Issues
Surveys ethics in counseling and current legislation and laws impacting the counseling profession. Provides an overview of basic legal terminology and techniques for recognizing legal problems and issues. Prepares the counselor to serve as a client advocate and expert judicial witness. Examines the legal implications of controversial issues concerning contemporary, social welfare issues.
CNSL532 Introduction to Research and Program Evaluation
Examines qualitative and quantitative methods used in human services research. Prepares students to read, analyze, and evaluate research and equips them to evaluate the effectiveness of service delivery programs.
CNSL533 Crisis Intervention
Overviews theories of self-destructive behavior, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention. Explores treatment approaches for crises situations that occur in schools and other institutional settings.
CNSL538 Mental Health Treatment Techniques
Examines traditional and contemporary mental health treatment approaches with special emphasis on techniques used in outpatient, community-based care.
CNSL543 Addiction Disorders
Examines the physiological and psychological aspects of addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, psychotropics, hallucinogenic drugs, gambling, and sex. Assesses psychosocial factors associated with addiction. Explores a variety of treatment approaches.
CNSL544 Family Counseling
Focuses on traditional and non-traditional family life styles (including single-parent families, commune families, and the family in which two unmarried persons live together and procreate), family structures of racial and economic groups, communication, and communication breakdowns in family relationships.
CNSL 545 Independent Research Study
Provides the counselor-in-training who has selected an area of specialization an opportunity for in-depth reading, discussion, and/or field or laboratory experience in an area of interest. for credit.
CNSL546 Counseling Children and Adolescents
Explores a variety of models for effecting behavioral change in the early stages of the lifespan. Exposes a variety of techniques for helping children and youth through counseling processes.
CNSL549 Tests in Counseling
Examines the major types of tests and how these are administered and scored. Also discusses the use of tests in decision-making, research, and treatment the criteria used for judging tests, the basic concepts, and the terminology of tests and measurements.
CNSL555 Counseling the Elderly
Examines theories and methods for counseling senior citizens. Reviews biological and sociocultural aspects of aging and the impact these have on behavior and behavioral change.
CNSL556Seminar in School Counseling
Explores the philosophy of a comprehensive P-12 school counseling program based on the national model for school counseling programs. Emphasizes the various roles of school counselors and how they must work collaboratively with other personnel. Prepares students to understand the importance of planning, managing, and organizing school-wide programs in the academic personal/social, and career domains with an emphasis on college and career readiness.
CNSL557 Human Growth and Development
Explores theories of development across the life span and how to integrate that knowledge in the application of counseling in schools and in agencies. Facilitates an understanding of cultural relevant assessments of normalcy and pathology across domains.
CNSL 596 Special Topics in Counseling
Presents and discusses special topics pertaining to counseling that are of interest to students.
CNSL 599 Thesis
Engages students in the development and implementation of research. The student is assigned to a faculty member. Upon completion of the study, the student must present findings to the thesis committee.