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One-Button Studios

What are the One-Button and Lightboard Studios?

The One-Button and Lightboard Studios allow users to seamlessly create, edit and upload presentations to their cloud storage or thumbdrive. Both Studios can be used without any previous video production experience but also can serve as an editing suite for new recordings or other related projects. These studios can be reserved by faculty, staff, and students to create content for courses, scholarship applications, job applications, and more. Use our calendly page below or click here to sign-up for training or to reserve the use of a studio.

One-Button Studios

The One-Button Studio allows the presenter to face the audience while presenting PowerPoint slides or anything displayed on the computer screen. The presenter has many options of camera positioning, backgrounds, and can connect their own computer for media to display as well.

One-Button Studio 360° View

Lightboard Studios

The Lightboard Studio allows the presenter to face the audience while drawing and or writing on a transparent glass panel. This studio works by converting the color black to transparent so that the presenter and what they are writing show up over the digital media. For tips on what not to wear and how to set-up your media or presentation watch this video.

Lightboard Studio Use Cases    

Lightboard as a Teaching Tool

Lightboard STUDIO 360° VIEW       

Sign-Up for Training or Use of a Studio

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