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About Academic Affairs

About Academic Affairs

The Division of Academic Affairs at the University of the District of Columbia is led by the Office of the Chief Academic Officer (OCAO). The OCAO is the academic heart of the university with responsibility for ensuring the relevance and rigor of the university’s academic offerings. It shepherds the academic success outcomes for the university’s students, faculty, staff and community partners. The OCAO prioritizes providing students with the most comprehensive academic experience that it can make available and has been intentional in partnering with the Division of Student Development and Success to create a wholistic environment for student achievement. Specifically, the OCAO is charged with providing institutional leadership in all aspects of the academic experience, including the activities of the classroom, laboratory, studio, clinic, and field as well as those extramural opportunities that bridge to degree and certificate programs.

The OCAO ensures that the university’s students become completers and graduates and that those completers and graduates exit the institution with competitive skillsets that bridge them seamlessly to careers and/or next levels of education. Faculty members are foundational to the successes of the university’s students, and the OCAO is committed to equipping the university’s faculty members with the skills and resources needed to be transformative agents of change in the academic lives of students. Support for faculty members also targets their research and service and, consequently, their contributions to their personal and professional communities.

The OCAO is comprised of several responsibility units including Curriculum and Programs, Faculty Affairs, Student Academic Experience, Graduate Education, Online Education and University Research. Additionally, the academic colleges and schools, registrar, Workforce Development, and Continuing and Professional Education units sit within the framework of the OCAO. The work of the OCAO is accomplished in partnership with the university’s Faculty Senate and Faculty Association as well as student government bodies at the Community College, 4-year, graduate and professional levels. You may reach us by email at or visit us in person in Building 39, Third Floor, Room 301-D. We look forward to engaging with you and welcome your feedback.

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