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Campus Master Plans

Campus Master Plans

The District of Columbia requires all universities to submit a campus master plan at least every ten years to the District’s Zoning Commission for approval. The District regulates campus master plans to ensure that educational campuses are: 1) well-planned and designed; 2) have long-term facilities plans; 3) minimize negative impacts that universities may have on surrounding residential neighborhoods; and 4) have planning processes that are consistent and transparent.

As a key part of the master plan process, the University obtains input and feedback from internal and external stakeholders so that a diversity of perspectives will be reflected in the development of the master plans for these campuses. In addition to conducting meetings with students, faculty, and staff, the University holds meetings open to the community.

Van Ness Campus Master Plan

The University of the District of Columbia (the “University”)’s Van Ness Campus master plan was initially approved in 2011. The current master plan (“2020 Van Ness Campus Master Plan”) will expire on December 31, 2029. The 2020 Van Ness Campus Master Plan serves as the central comprehensive planning document for the Van Ness Campus. It sets forth the institution’s vision and sets parameters, policies, and directions for the physical development of the campus over the next decade.


2020 – 2030 Van Ness Campus Master Plan
2020 – 2030 Van Ness Campus Master Plan Exhibits 1
2020 – 2030 Van Ness Campus Master Plan Exhibits 2
2020 – 2030 Van Ness Campus Master Plan Exhibits 3
UDC Van Ness Campus Plan 2020-2030 Fact Sheet
2/9/2023 Van Ness Campus Master Plan Modification

Lamond-Riggs (formerly Bertie Backus) Campus Master Plan

In 2022, the University embarked on an extensive process of creating a new campus master plan for the Bertie Backus Campus. In April 2023, the campus was renamed the Lamond-Riggs Campus. The Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan is effective as of April 12, 2024. The plan serves as the central comprehensive planning document for the Lamond-Riggs Campus. It also sets forth the institution’s vision and set parameters, policies, and directions for the physical development of the campus until 2034.


Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan
2023 – 2033 Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan (draft)
2023 – 2033 Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan Exhibits1 (draft)
2023 – 2033 Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan Exhibits2 (draft)
2023 – 2033 Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan Exhibits3 (draft)
2023 – 2033 Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan Exhibits4 (draft)
UDC Lamond-Riggs Campus Master Plan Fact Sheet


David Franklin, Chief Operating Officer

Avis Russell, General Counsel

Javier Dussan, Vice President, Facilities & Real Estate Management

Erica Wright, Assistant General Counsel

Juanita Gray, Director, Community Engagement

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