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Firebird Retention Grants

A Strategic Approach

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The University of the District of Columbia provides retention grants to students each semester to help cover modest financial shortfalls affecting the students’ ability to pay tuition and fees and prevents them from stopping their studies or dropping out. This means that even after grants, loans, scholarships, family contributions and the income generated from students working 20 hours a week, many students lack sufficient funds to attend college. Each semester, hundreds of students are dropped from their classes for lack of payment. The Firebird Retention Grant offers funding to qualified student who want to get their degrees the opportunity to stay enrolled. The Firebird Retention Grant program is designed to prevented students from dropping of University of the District of Columbia.

UDC undergraduate students who have experienced an unexpected, short-term hardship are able to apply for a ONE-TIME FIREBIRD Success grant. This program is being administered by the Division of Student Development and Success and funded by the UDC Foundation, in accordance with applicable University rules and policies. The fund itself is limited and, therefore, the following criteria have been established:

  1. Students must be full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students who have completed 30 hours of coursework or more at UDC in order to apply for a Firebird grant.
  2. Students must be registered for a minimum of twelve (full-time) semester hours during the term for which the Firebird grant is requested. The student also must apply for the funds during the term in which the hardship occurred.
  3. Applications will be judged individually, and grants are subject to limitations; therefore, students may not receive the total amount requested. Grants generally will not be awarded in excess of $1,250.00; however, please apply for the total amount needed. Approved amounts will not exceed documented expenses. Expected expenses will not be funded.
  4. International students are ineligible to apply.
  5. Firebird Success Grant applications must be filled out completely and explain why students believe the grants are warranted.
  6. Grants awarded under this program are not required to be repaid. The amount of funds awarded will be reported on students’ tax form 1098-T. Funds will be applied directly to students’ accounts after all financial aid options have been exhausted. (No refunds from the grant will be issued).
  7. These grants may be considered taxable income. Students should contact a tax professional to determine whether or not that is the case.
  8. Students awarded a ONE-TIME Firebird Success Grant:
  9. Must provide a valid student ID upon request
  10. Must complete an online application

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