Supplemental Instruction Program

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of regularly-scheduled interactive and collaborative study sessions for students taking traditionally difficult classes. Students who regularly attend SI sessions earn higher grades than non-SI participants.

How are classes selected?

Courses selected for SI are introductory courses in which undergraduate students are expected to perform well in order to progress in their major and/or meet their program’s requirements.

Student Expectations

  • Regularly attend class. SI is not a replacement for attending class or talking to your professor
  • Bring class notes, textbook and questions.SI sessions engage students in a discussion of the most recent lecture material and provide you with opportunities to practice what you are learning
  • Regularly attend SI.Students who attend regularly are more likely to earn higher grades in the course
  • Have fun!SI sessions provide a comfortable, informal environment for you to share information and learn from your classmates

Benefits of SI Sessions

  • Earn higher course grades
  • Develop effective methods of studying course material
  • Enhance study skills
  • Collaborate with classmates to improve understanding of content
  • Receive tips from SI leaders who have previously taken the course

Students interested in applying to be a Supplemental Instructor Leader, please click here: