Assistantship and Internship Opportunities for Undergraduates in Biomedical Engineering
There are multiple in-house internships/assistantships are now available to UDC Biomedical Engineering students!
National Science Foundation (NSF) Targeted Infusion Project: Integration, Cultivation, and Exposure to Biomedical Engineering at the University of the District of Columbia
Up to six, paid Undergraduate Assistantships available per year
The selected undergraduate students will be employed to work during the summer months to assist the Dr. Thompson and colleagues with the Biomedical Engineering Summer Outreach Program. During the school year, student assistantships towards the Biomedical Engineering activities & program are also available.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Initiation Award: Investigating a new Generation of Assistive, Innovative Technologies (GAIT) for balance rehabilitation
Two, Undergraduate Research Assistantships (RAs) available per year
This NSF project seeks to explore a creative, novel, and potentially transformative aids for healthy elderly and elderly stroke survivors. The selected undergraduate RAs will gain research experiences through being actively involved in the project. Undergraduate RAs are expected to work 20 hrs/week for 10 weeks during the summer months and 5 hrs/week for up to 20 weeks during the regular school year. Dr. Thompson will mentor and work cohesively with the RAs in regards to experimentation, data analysis and interpretation of results.
National Science Foundation (NSF) EAGER: Nurturing Women’s Innovativeness and Strength in Engineering through experiential learning in biomedical engineering (WISE)
Two, paid Undergraduate Workshop Assistantships (WAs) available per year
Two, UDC School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) undergraduate students will be employed to work as assistants and mentors for a new youth outreach program. Female, ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply. This program is aimed towards exposing DC area high school students to Biomedical Engineering. There is a particular focus placed on female youth participants. Undergraduate WAs are expected to work 5 hrs/week for throughout the fall-term and spring-term. The WAs will assist with and providing insight on participants’ projects/designs, as well as serve as role models and mentors to the high school and middle school participants.
Four, paid Undergraduate Research Assistantships (RAs) Available: (US citizens or permanent residents)
Up to four, undergraduate student research assistants (RAs) per year will be selected to work on Biomedical Engineering-related research projects. Student RA are expected to work no more than 10 hrs/week for 9 weeks during the academic year. The selected RAs will be mentored by Dr. Lara Thompson and Dr. Nian Zhang, and research projects will be highly multidisciplinary in nature.
Other opportunities:
Academic Merit Scholarship (contact Dr. Thompson to discuss eligibility)