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Student Spotlight

Congratulations Dainah Kilburn for being a recipient of the Deloitte HBCU Emerging Leaders in Accounting Scholarship!

My name is Dainah Kilburn, an international student from Jamaica. I am a very goal oriented and self-motivated individual who has a passion for learning and a desire to achieve excellence in all that I do. I am currently a Junior with an Accounting major and a 3.8 GPA.

I am a member of the UDC NABA chapter where I serve as the Treasurer, Student Ambassadors Club and the Caribbean Students Association.

I am a TMCF Scholar, DC Up Scholarship Recipient, Deans list Awardee and also a recipient of full tuition and fees scholarship to attend and pursue my graduate degree at the University of California which includes (UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Davis, UC Riverside and UC Irvine) from participating in a program called the Summer Institute for Emerging Managers and Leaders,

On November 09, 2019, I was one of the five scholarship recipients of the Deloitte HBCU Emerging Leaders in Accounting Scholarship.

I received a $10,000 scholarship and a summer internship with Deloitte (one of the Big 4 accounting firms).

I am very privileged and blessed to have recurved this offer.

I am thankful to everyone who supports me and continues to cheer me on. 

Nevertheless, I wish for all students to be inspired by my accomplishments and believe that all their dreams are possible with hard work and dedication.

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