2021 Summer Workshop
Logistics & International Trade (LIT), Risk and Resilience (R&R) and CAM-STAR NASA Opportunities Awareness Academy Summer Workshop
July 27 – July 31, 2020 (9 am – 4 pm; Online)
Feedback Survey for 2020 UDC Summer Academy
General Instructions:
Every day from July 27 – July 31, 2020, there will be two live sessions on WebEx for five (5) hours a day. The first session will start at 9 am and the second one will start at 1 pm.
WebEx Link will be sent to participants through Website and email by Dr. Amit Arora.
WebEx Link for joining AM / PM sessions on all five workshop days: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
Another option to join: Join by phone – +1-415-655-0003 United States Toll; Access code: 794 185 617
Faculty videos are available at https://www.udc.edu/sbpa/lit/summer-academy-faculty/
Day 1 – July 27 – NSF-LIT Center activities, Resume Building, Mock Interviews + Functional Areas of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Session Professors:Dr. Malva Reid, Dr. Anshu Arora, and Dr. Nazha Gali
LIT Ambassadors:Ms. Katherine Garrison, Ms. Jada Foy, and Ms. Ivanna Kovalchuk
WebEx session at 9 am and 1 pm: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
WEBEX SESSION I: 9 am to 11 am – Welcome (INTRODUCTIONS) session by 3 professors involved + 2 LIT Ambassadors
11 am to 1 pm – Workshop Participants will watch pre-recorded videos of 3 professors of 10 minutes each (a total of about 30 minutes). access videos of Drs. Anshu Arora, Malva Reid and Nazha Gali at https://www.udc.edu/sbpa/lit/summer-academy-faculty/
WEBEX SESSION II: 1 pm to 4 pm – Live session by 3 professors involved + 2 LIT Ambassadors
Day 2 – July 28 – NASA Opportunities Awareness Summer Workshop
Session Professors & Staff: Dr. Jiajun Xu, Dr. Lei Wang, Ms. Sonal Pavagadhi
Introduction to NASA Opportunities & how to participate, Speaker from NASA, Introduction to 3D Printing, Demonstration & Live session, and Introduction to NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
WebEx session at 9 am and 1 pm: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
9 am to 10:00 am – Introduction (Welcome) session & Introduction to NASA Opportunities, roll call & Pre workshop survey
10:00 am 10:45 am– Presentation and Q&A session by Guest speaker
11:00 am 12:00 am – Presentation and Q&A from NASA speaker
1 pm to 1:45 pm – Introduction to 3D Printing, Demonstration & Live session
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Introduction to NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge, How to participate & Q&A session
2:30 pm to 3:00 p.m. – Presentation:Artemis Program, NASA Internship & Career path
3:00 to 4:00 pm – Introduction on UDC Admission Procedure, Interaction with NASA interns, Post-Survey & Roll call
Day 3 – July 29 -Dual Enrollment Program with DCPS and UDC + Functional Areas of Finance & Accounting, Business Analytics, and Supply Chain Management
Session Professors:Dr. Amit Arora, Dr. Alex Tan, and Dr. Feng Xu
LIT Ambassadors:Ms. Brea Ellis, Ms. Ivanna Kovalchuk, and Ms. Teresa Kassahun
WebEx session at 9 am and 1 pm: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
WEBEX SESSION I: 9 am to 11 am – Welcome (INTRODUCTIONS) to the session by 3 professors involved + 3 LIT Ambassadors
11 am to 1 pm – Workshop Participants will watch pre-recorded videos of 3 professors of 10 minutes each – access videos of Drs. Amit Arora, Alex Tan, and Feng Xu at https://www.udc.edu/sbpa/lit/summer-academy-faculty/
11 am to 1 pm – Workshop Participants will watch pre-recorded videos of 3 professors of 10 minutes each.
WEBEX SESSION II: 1 pm to 4 pm – Live session by 3 professors involved + 3 LIT Ambassadors
Day 4 – July 30 – Engineering School – Introduction to Risk and Resilience in Engineering Program, and Various STEM activities by professors and engineering ambassadors – Live sessions and loads of surprises/activities/ discoveries from NSF/NASA experiences in STEM)
WebEx session at 9 am and 1 pm: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
WEBEX SESSION 1: 9 am to 11 am – Live sessions by Dr. Behera, Dr. Wang
Introduction of UDC SEAS, engineering degrees offered, campus resources, job perspective, and risk and resilience in engineering
WEBEX SESSION 2: 1 pm to 4 pm – Live sessions by NSF/NASA Ambassadors
1:00-2:00 pm | Guest Presentation by Ms. Lynn Mayo,
CEO of RePicture Engineering and Water Resource Engineer, organized by Ar’Manni Pretlow |
2:00-3:00 pm | Discrete Element Modeling and its engineering and NASA applications, Jesus Badal |
3:00-4:00 pm | Mechanical Stabilizing Sand – Video and Experiments, Skarleth Vasquez |
Day 5 – Student Ambassadors’ Interaction Day
Live sessions by students and four profs – Drs. Xu, Wang, Dr. Anshu Arora, and Dr. Amit Arora (NSF, NASA, and Engineering Ambassadors to be involved)
WebEx session at 9 am and 1 pm: https://universityofdc.webex.com/meet/amit.arora
(Click on – Join from your browser); Meeting number: 794185617
WEBEX SESSION I: 9 am to 11 am –
Ex-NASA, Ex-NSF interns and already graduated students – Ms. Mayumi Fleming and Mr. Kyle Kelley will lead the workshop and share their experiences.
Dr. Anshu Arora and Dr. Amit Arora will focus on the NSF-LIT program, fun facts about STEM-Business, and so on!
Kahoot game – Ms. Jada Foy will take lead – questions related to UDC majors, NSF LIT program, Ms. Terssa Kassahun and Ms. Ivanna Kovalchuk will take attendance count for the sessions.
WEBEX SESSION II: 1 pm to 4 pm –
NASA/NSF ambassadors will focus on NASA program and fun facts about STEM.
1:00-2:30 pm | Space Rovers & Robotics Video and Presentation, and STEM Games by Carla Flores and Nuria Ramirez |
2:30-3:00 pm | Bridge Design and Loading Activity by Natalie Gallo |
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Reflection (Closing) session – Ms. Brea Ellis will take lead – what they learnt – positive and negative aspects of the workshop – survey link to be sent (feedback survey); Feedback survey will be conducted by Ms. Katherine Garrison and Ms. Ivanna Kovalchuk
Workshop Takeaways:
After the academy, you will have a clear definition of what it means to be an engineer, a manager, and overall a global management executive.
All participants will receive three Certifications of Achievement (from UDC Business and Engineering) after successful completion.
Apply Today! (apply before June 15th will receive priority consideration)
Please send a brief email with name, address and education background to participate the academy to: Dr. Amit Arora – amit.arora@udc.edu