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UDC Mortuary Science Program Granted 3-Year Initial Accreditation

May 12, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC— On April 10, 2019, at the Annual Meeting of the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), in Miami, Florida, the Mortuary Science Program at the University of the District of Columbia Community College (UDC-CC) was granted a three-year initial accreditation.  UDC-CC is the home of the ONLY ACCREDITED Mortuary Science Program in the District. The program is committed to preparing students to master the technical, managerial, ethical, and legal aspects of funeral service. Upon completion of the 70-credit program, students are granted an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Mortuary Science.

In accordance with 13 standards set forth by the ABFSE, the road to accreditation is an arduous process that requires a rigorous self-study of all programmatic features. Every aspect of the UDC-CC Mortuary Science program was examined and substantiated, including: The financial stability of the University; availability of library and learning resources; quality of instruction; facilities, program planning and evaluation; and student, faculty, and administrative commitment to the success of the program.  In October 2018, a three-person team of funeral service industry educational experts visited the program to review records and met University officials, faculty, and students to further examine the program in person.

Dr. Joanna Ellsberry, Program Director, UDC-CC Mortuary Science, states, “The UDC-CC Mortuary Science program prepares students to meet the increasing need for funeral service professionals across the world! When students graduate from our program, they are well equipped to undertake formal apprenticeships throughout the D.C. region and poised to provide empathetic specialized services to grieving families.”

“Having been granted their initial accreditation by the ABFSE, the faculty, staff, and administration of the Mortuary Science program recognize that with success come new challenges and responsibilities,” said Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, Dean of UDC-CC Office of Academic Affairs. “They have proven they are not only able to take on their role as the only accredited Mortuary Science Program in the District, but are also willing to meet the challenges of the future.”

The initial accreditation is effective through April 2022.

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