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Transfer Student Admission

UDC Welcomes Transfer Students

Each new academic term, hundreds of transfer students make UDC the next stop on their college journey. We’re thrilled to welcome you among them.

Your goal is our goal: graduation, once and for all! We will help you find the most direct path to a completed degree based on:

  • The college credits you’ve already earned and can be transferred to UDC
  • The many in-demand degree programs available at UDC

Our transfer admissions counselors and advisors will work with you to choose the quickest and most efficient way to finish your degree.

Transfer Students

If ALL of the following criteria are true for you, then you are in the right place and can apply to UDC as a transfer student:

  • You seek either an Associate degree from UDC’s Community College or a Bachelor’s degree from UDC’s Flagship University.
  • You have completed high school or attended or have ever attended another college or university (either inside or outside the U.S.).

Rule #2 includes those wanting to earn a second bachelor’s degree. However, if you have ever attended UDC as a degree-seeking student, including having graduated from UDC’s Community College, please use these returning student admission guidelines instead.

Attention Transfer Applicants to UDC who will seek Financial Aid

If you have or will request Financial Aid (via FAFSA), the University requires— for financial aid purposes — verification of high school completion.

In addition to your college transcripts, please submit a high school or GED transcript to complete your admissions application. This applies to transfer applicants who intend to request UDC Financial Aid.  You will be denied packaging for Financial Aid if your high school transcript is not on file!

Contact the Admission Office

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Van Ness Campus
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Building 39
Washington, DC 20008

Lamond-Riggs Campus
5171 South Dakota Ave NE
Suite 102
Washington, DC 20017

Undergraduate Admissions

First Time in College

Last Names: A – I
Shala Mayo

Last Names: J – R
Francisco Cabrera

Last Names: S – Z
Aaron Becerril-Torres


Omar Harrod

Non-Degree & Second Degree

Diana Atenco-Gonzalez

Community College at Lamond-Riggs

Grace Yepez

Transfer Students

Diana Atenco-Gonzalez

International Students

Michael Sullin

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