All threats should be taken seriously. They can be received by telephone, e-mail, or letter.
If you receive a telephone bomb threat, follow these procedures:
- Call UDC Police 202.274.5050 or 911.
- Remain calm.
- Keep the caller talking to obtain as much information as possible to complete the Bomb Threat Checklist with the following information:
- Location
- Time of explosion
- Reason for bomb
- Caller's number (if phone is equipped with caller ID)
- Notify supervisor or person in charge of the threat.
- Take no further action until advised to do so by UDC Police or emergency personnel.
- If you see a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus:
- Stay calm.
- Exit the area or building immediately.
- Call UDC Police 202.274.5050 or 911.
Persons who may need assistance during an evacuation should plan in advance by notifying a supervisor or department head of their need for assistance during a building evacuation. During an emergency in which a building must be evacuated (e.g. fire emergency); elevators should not be used. A mobility-impaired individual that is unable to negotiate the stairs must:
- Proceed to the stairwell landing (safe area) or remain in your room.
- Ask someone leaving the building to notify emergency responders of your location. If a phone is available, call 911 or University Police at 202.274.5050 and notify them of your location.
- Await the arrival of emergency-response personnel (e.g. fire department) to aid in evacuating the building.
Rescue is the fire department's top priority. To aid in the evacuation of the mobility-impaired, EvacuTrac Chairs are available. This chair is designed to transport the disabled user, with the assistance of a helper, down the flight of stairs to safety. Know the locations of these chairs in advance.
- Contact UDC Police 202.274.5050.
- DO NOT open or shake it.
- DO NOT carry or show to others.
- DO NOT bring to the Police Department.
- DO NOT sniff, touch or taste.
- DO place on stable surface, preferably a Bio-Safety Cabinet.
- DO alert others in the area as well as your supervisor, instructor, or professor.
- Leave the area, close doors and prevent others from entering by using signs or guarding.
- Distance and separation are the safest precautions to take.
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Create a list of persons in the room where the package was received
- DO NOT use cellular phones or two-way radios.
Suspicious Package Checklist, What to Look For:
- Foreign mail, air mail, and special deliveries.
- Restrictive markings such as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “PERSONAL”.
- Excessive postage.
- Handwritten or poorly typed address.
- Incorrect titles.
- Misspellings of common words.
- Oily stains or discoloration on package.
- Excessive weight.
- Rigid, lopsided, or uneven envelopes.
- Excessive tape or string.
- Visual distractions.
- No return address.
- Protruding wires
You may be able to prevent some dangerous situations by watching for these signs:
- Marked change in academic performance or behavior
- Poor performance and preparation
- Excessive absences or tardiness
- Repeated request for special consideration (especially when this represents a change from previous functioning)
- Unusual or changed pattern of interaction
- Avoidance of class participation
- Domination of class discussions
- Excessive anxiety when called upon
- Disruptive behavior
- Problems with peers of family members
- Exaggerated emotional response that is obviously inappropriate to the situation
Unusual Behavior or Appearance
- Depressed or lethargic mood
- Hyperactive or rapid speech
- Swollen or red eyes
- Change in personal hygiene or dress
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
- Strange or bizarre behavior indicating loss of contact with reality
References to Suicide, Homicide, or Death
- Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
- Severe psychological pain or overt references to suicide
- Isolation from friends or family
- Homicidal threats
Alert a faculty or staff member, who will refer the situation to the Counseling or Health Center for the appropriate actions, including:
- Talk to the person in private
- If you have initiated the contact, express your concern
- Give hope
- Avoid judging, evaluating, and criticizing
- Maintain clear and consistent boundaries and expectations
- Refer the person the Counseling Center, Health Center, or the UDC Police Department
- Follow-up with the referral
- Consult with the Counseling Center, Health Center or Public Safety for direction