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How to Obtain a Parking Permit

Only University students, faculty, and staff may obtain a parking decal.

  1. Complete the application and make payment at the Cashier’s Office in Building 39, Room 201. 
    To complete your application, you will need your vehicle registration, vehicle insurance policy, and OneCard ID.
  2. Bring your completed application and receipt of payment to the Parking Operations Office in Building 39 Room 104 during normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 9 AM -5 PM to obtain your decal.
  3. Once you have obtained your decal, you may swipe your OneCard ID at the entrance and exit gates of the garage.


To secure a parking permit, each student applicant shall provide the following:

  • UDC I.D. card
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Vehicle registration for the vehicle being registered
  • Verification of automobile liability insurance
  • Current semester class schedule validated by Cashier’s Office

Faculty and Staff

To secure a parking permit, each faculty or staff applicant shall furnish the Office of the  Vice President of Real Estate, Facilities Management and Public Safety (REFMPS):

  • UDC I.D. card
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Vehicle registration for the vehicle being registered
  • Verification of automobile liability insurance

How to Get a UDC ID

UDC IDs are only issued to university students, faculty, staff or Public Safety/Department Head-approved contractors.

  1. Get a OneCard ID by stopping by the Public Safety Office located in Building 39, Room C-04, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
  2. Show a valid government-issued ID and (for students) Proof of Payment for Classes from the Cashier’s Office or (for employees) Proof of Employment from Human Resources to obtain a UDC ID.

If you have a OneCard ID already

  1. Take your OneCard ID to the Parking Operations Office in Building 39, Room 104, during normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. -5 p.m., to have your OneCard ID programmed for access into the garage.

In the event that your OneCard is lost or stolen contact the University Police and Public Safety Office immediately in order for speedy deactivation of the card.

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