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Green Initiative

About the UDC Green Initiative

UDC recognizes the positive impact that it can make on the environment and human health through the procurement decisions it makes. To do so, the Office of Contracting and Procurement utilizes the City-Wide Remanufactured Toner Cartridge contract. This City-Wide contract was awarded to Laser Art, Inc., a certified small business enterprise.

Remanufactured Black Toner Contract

Why It's Important

  1. It is consistent with Mayoral Order 2009-60 that requires government purchasers to maximize implementation of environmental preferable product standards to the maximum extent possible.
  2. It reduces air and water pollution associated with landfilling, incineration, and the manufacturing of new cartridges.
  3. It conserves natural resources such as timber, water, oil/petroleum, and minerals because it reduces the need for raw materials.
  4. It saves energy.
  5. It decreases emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.
  6. It helps to sustain the environment for future generations.

Every year more than 300 million printer cartridges are thrown away and sent to landfills or exported to developing countries, where they poison both the environment and workers. Recycling toner cartridges keeps them out of landfill and puts them back into the manufacturing stream, where they can be remanufactured and resold countless times. By utilizing the remanufactured toner cartridge, the university is contributing to sustaining the environment.

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