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Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Assessment at UDC

Eight Steps for Creating an Assessment Cycle in Your Program

  1. Define your purposeAssessment cycle flowchart

    1. Reference mission and vision statements
    2. Focus on improvement and demonstrated effectiveness
  2. Identify your goals

    1. Target approximately three at a time
  3. Identify aligned objectives and outcomes

    1. Generate specific, measurable, and observable aims
  4. Identify, design and implement your assessment activities

    1. Create and adopt assignments, projects, program activities, workshops, outreach efforts, customer service plans
  5. Identify, design and implement your assessment methods

    1. Use multiple (and mixed) methods, e.g., rubrics, checklists, surveys, focus groups, interviews, content analysis
  6. Create benchmarks and/or targets

    1. Identify standards and/or projected figures to achieve goals, objectives, and outcomes
  7. Collect and analyze data

    1. Write concise summaries and create data visualizations
  8. Develop report—include actions for continuous improvement

    1. Identify at least three actions in your improvement plan
    2. Demonstrate effectiveness
    3. Share report/findings widely with stakeholders


Be attentive to logistics and relevant processes, e.g., resource allocation, deliverables, timelines and responsible parties.
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