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Request for Services

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Need Help With Marketing or Communications?

The Office of Marketing and Communications provides a suite of services to the UDC community, including mass emails, webpage updates, event coverage, social media coverage and media assistance.

Please submit your request using the form below. Whenever possible, please submit your request at least two weeks in advance. And if your request is event-related, be sure to first add your event to 25Live using the guidance below.*

Coverage will be determined based on staff capacity.

OMC Services Request Form

*All UDC events, whether virtual or in-person, on- or off-campus, must be added to 25Live and published to the 25Live event calendar even if no space reservation is required. Events must be added to 25Live before a mass email communication can be requested from the Office of Marketing and Communications.

If you need support publishing your event to the 25Live event calendar, contact

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