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Mildred L. Musgrove, Ed.D.

Member of the Board of Trustees

Mildred L. Musgrove, Ed.D.

Dr. Mildred L. MusgroveMildred L. Musgrove, Ph.D., (Nee: Satterwhite) is a retired DC Public School educator.  She has held the following positions: senior high school teacher, curriculum writer-in-residence, instructional supervisor, principal (elementary and senior high), assistant superintendent, Chief of Staff, and Chief Academic Officer. She also has held positions at the American University and the University of the District of Columbia as adjunct professor. She remains active in professional organizations: Senior High Alliance of Parents, Principals, and Educators (founding member); 21st Century School Fund Board of Directors; the American University Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa; DC Retired Educators Association; and CHANCE Academy Board of Directors. She received her B.S. degree in English from the DC Teachers College (UDC), her M.A. degree in English from Trinity College, and her Ed.D., Administration and Curriculum, from the George Washington University.  Ms. Musgrove is a member of the Alpha Kappa Sorority, Inc., Rho Mu Omega Chapter.

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