Title III


What is Title III?

Title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI) grant programs, authorizes special assistance to strengthen the quality of developing institutions which have the desire and potential to make a substantial contribution to the higher education resources of the nation. Amendments to the Act have altered some elements of the program, but it remains as written – an instrument to provide assistance to institutions demonstrating a constructive effort to strengthen themselves.

Funded under Parts B and F of the Higher Education Act, the University of the District of Columbia has been awarded three 5-year Title III grant programs:

  1. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
  2. Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI)
  3. FUTURE (Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act)

UDC’s Title III-funded grant activities are designed to help meet various university strategic goals. The legislative intent of these grants is to strengthen institutions in the areas of Academic Quality, Fiscal Stability, Student Services and Outcomes, and Institutional Management.

Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Title III Programs at the University of the District of Columbia is linked to the overall mission of the institution. Specifically, the goal is to serve as the central administrative office for Title III-funded activities and to provide legislative and regulatory compliance in the management and oversight of federal funds awarded to the University under Title III, Parts B & F programs.  Consistent with all applicable federal and University policies, the Title III Program seeks to ensure that grant funds are used to support:

  1. The quality and enhancement of our academic program
  2. Student success and outcomes.

Our Vision

To implement and deliver effective solutions for the University’s current challenges while anticipating its future needs in our efforts to enhance the efficiency, accountability, and quality of university programs and services.  Title III aims to create a culture of service excellence that empowers the University community to realize academic excellence and achieve quality student outcomes.

Our Goal

The goal of Office of Title III Programs is to be a resource for the President’s institutional plans and initiatives in the areas of student success outcomes and services, academic quality, fiscal stability, and institutional management.  The President serves as the principal visionary in the design and structure of the Title III Program. Through his leadership, it is expected that Title III support will be used to help eliminate impediments that negatively impact educational access and opportunities for University of the District of Columbia students.  The Office of Title III Programs at UDC supports the three overarching goals of the University’s strategic plan in the following areas:

  • Goal 1: Identity
    • Objective 1:1 – Student Success Outcomes by helping to establish UDC as a national model for urban student success by increasing completion rates, retention rates, post-graduate outcomes, licensure pass rates and credential production;
    • Objective 1:2 – Academic Program Quality and Workforce Development by helping to enhance academic and workforce development programs to prepare graduates to meet the workforce demands of the District, region and nation; and
  • Goal 2: Experience
    • Objective 2:1 – Student Life/Campus Culture by assisting in providing an engaging, fulfilling and affirming experience for all students through campus life, orientation, communication, traditions, academics and practical solutions that address their individual needs and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Goal 3: Partnerships
    • Objective 3:2 – Research and Innovation by supporting the establishment of UDC as the C. region’s go-to research partner by leveraging both our translational research capabilities and teaching and learning prowess to help tackle some of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Contact Us

Charles Sutton

Director of Title Programs

Van Ness Campus
Building 52, Rm 105
fax: 202-274-6222