DC-UP Scholars Learning Community
DC-UP cultivates holistic student growth and enhances learning by fostering collaborative and enduring connections among students, faculty, and staff.
DC-UP cultivates holistic student growth and enhances learning by fostering collaborative and enduring connections among students, faculty, and staff.
The DC-UP learning community at the University of the District of Columbia is an intentional, leadership community formed around academic programs, service learning, and career services. The learning community integrates the institution’s vision that promotes critical thinking, creative thinking, effective communication, and community involvement. DC-UP invites this group of exceptional students to integrate their learning with shared curricular and co-curricular experiences. This learning community cultivates holistic student growth and enhances learning by fostering collaborative and enduring connections among students, faculty, and staff.
The mission of the DC-UP Scholars program is to provide students with a holistic educational experience rooted in scholarship, leadership development, and personal/professional growth that prepares them to become competitive, responsible global citizens.
The vision of the DC-UP Scholars program is to be the leading scholarship program among colleges/universities in the DC Metropolitan area.
Learning communities provide spaces and structures for people to share goals. Effective communities are both aspirational and practical. They connect people, organizations, and systems that are eager to learn and work across boundaries, while holding members accountable to common agendas, metrics, and outcomes. These communities enable participants to share results and learn from each other, thereby improving their ability to achieve rapid yet significant progress.
-- Harvard University
No. DC-UP Learning Community students are charged the same rate as other students at UDC (depending on residency status).
Yes. DC-UP scholars are expected to participate in DC-UP activities throughout their undergraduate matriculation, and have access to their assigned academic coaches.
Yes. All DC-UP scholars are eligible to join the University Honors Program, provided they meet the requirements.
Yes. DC-UP scholars are required to meet with both their academic advisors and academic coaches throughout the academic year.
No. Scholars’ registration is based on their degree program requirements.
All DC-UP scholars are required to achieve a 3.0 grade point average by the end of the second semester of their sophomore year, excluding the summer term.