Success Laptop Loaner Program

The Office of Student Success provides a laptop loaner program for new and continuing University of the District of Columbia (UDC) students. The laptops are internally equipped with WiFi for use where wireless access exists. Wireless networking is available throughout much of the campus. All laptops are loaded with MS Office and other UDC-approved software, including firewall protection. Please note you must be logged into WiFi for some software to be fully operational.

*Laptops will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis for those who meet the program criteria.

Student Success Laptop Loaner Application and Agreement of Use and Liability

(Please allow 24-48 hours for all approvals/denials. All duplicate applications will be deleted.)

  • The Office of Student Success provides a laptop loaner program for new and continuing University of the District of Columbia (UDC) students. The laptops are internally equipped with WiFi for use where wireless access exists. Wireless networking is available throughout much of the campus. All laptops are loaded with MS Office and other UDC-approved software, including firewall protection. Please note you must be logged into WiFi for some software to be fully operational. Undergraduate full and part-time students who are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours
  • (Associates & Bachelors). Graduate students must be enrolled in 6-9 credit hours (Masters or Doctorate). Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is NOT a waiting list.
  • UDC students (borrower) with current validated UDC ID, valid telephone number, and hold-free student records are eligible to check out laptops.
    Laptop computers may only be checked out from and must be returned to the Library (4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 6th Floor) , 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • No laptops will be issued without the approval from the Office of Student Success. You will receive specific instructions, including scheduling an appointment for pickup once the application is approved.
  • Please allow at least 15-20 minutes to check out the student’s laptop. At the time of check-out, the laptop will be inspected to verify that it is issued to the student in good working condition.
  • Checkouts begin at 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. All laptops must be returned by Tuesday, December 12, 2023, by 7:00 p.m. to the Library (4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 6th Floor). (Please Plan Accordingly…NO EXCEPTIONS)
    Laptops may only be returned by the borrower. All laptops must be returned in person to the Library (4250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 6th Floor). Do not leave a laptop with anyone other than the LIBRARY staff. At the time of return, please remain until the device is checked in.
  • Equipment/Laptop Inspection: A full inspection will be performed after the equipment/laptop has been checked in. Any equipment/laptop issues found during the inspection process will be communicated to the student (borrower).

Fines and Repair Charges

  • Once a student has checked out a laptop, a charge of $1,004.00 will be applied to their university student account.
  • Students will be billed a $50.00 dollar charge for damages and the full cost ($1,004.00) of the laptop for damages that are not repairable.
  • Students will not be able to register, obtain transcripts/diplomas, or graduate until the charge is paid in full. Upon the return of the laptop, the student university account will be credited $1,004.00.
  • Inappropriate use/treatment or loss of parts of the laptops will include a $50.00 fine and suspension of privileges.

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