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Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy (CERE)

Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy (CERE)

windmills on hillHistory

The Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy (CERE) was inaugurated on April 7, 2006, on the Van Ness campus of the University of the District of Columbia. The inauguration of the Center coincided with the second and last day of the International Conference on Renewable Energy for Developing Countries-06 (ICREDC-06), which was held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, in Washington DC.


For more than 15 years, CRES’s research scientists and students have developed the solutions to transform the way we generate, consume, store, and distribute energy.

As oil prices keep soaring, renewable energy from solar, wind, micro-hydro, fuel cells, bio-energy, geothermal, and other energy resources becomes more economical. In addition, increasing concern over the impact of conventional (coal and oil-fired) power stations on global warming, and the growing pollution effects of hydrocarbon fuels have made the need for practical renewable energy solutions more urgent and timely.

field of solar panelsCERE continues to anticipate these challenges, offering solutions through research, innovation, analysis, partners, and people. We are building the foundation of tomorrow’s energy landscape and inspiring the economic growth of the future here at UDC.

UDC has excellent engineering programs that can be enhanced by providing hands-on experience for its students in building innovative renewable energy systems to serve urgent national and international needs for electric service to electrify remote (off-grid) as well as grid-connected areas.


  • To provide a national and international center for innovation in the rapidly growing area of renewable energy, modernized power systems, smart grids, power electronics, Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, etc.
  • To demonstrate innovative, reliable, and environmentally beneficial power solutions to various communities, including Third World countries to help them develop sustainable communities and promote Water Resource Development;
  • To help UDC to develop enhanced relationships with leading government, business, and political, engineering, and financial leaders in the Nation’s Capital and around the World; and
  • To raise external funding for the activities of the center from business, government, and charitable organizations.

windmill on daisy fieldPrograms

CERE advances the science and engineering of renewable power technologies, and power electronics and provides the knowledge to integrate and optimize energy systems.


The CERE is headed by a Center Director working in close cooperation with an Advisory Board. The Board includes representatives from the private sector, academia, energy officials, and other officials from Third World Countries and others who could assist the development of the center.

Program Director

Dr. Amir Shahirinia



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