The NASA-MIRO: Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Space Technology & Applied Research at UDC (CAM-STAR) at the UDC will focus on research investigating various advanced manufacturing (AM) techniques and their application in Space Exploration Technology and Research.
Program Director: Dr. Jiajun Xu, jiajun.xu@udc.edu

The Center for Biomechanical & Rehabilitation Engineering (CBRE) lab is focused on studying human mobility (including balance, posture and gait) for unimpaired as well as impaired populations.
Program Director: Dr. Lara Thompson, lara.thompson@udc.edu
The Center of Climate Change Analytics is designed to students to become transformative leaders in workforce, government and beyond to address emerging contemporary issues of climate change; and to advance our basic understanding and developing solutions to address the impacts of climate change on communities, ecosystems and urban infrastructure through the application of game theory.
Program Director: Dr. Bryan Higgs, bryan.higgs@udc.edu
The Center of Excellence for Acoustic and Seismic Sensing of Urban Environments promotes and conducts high-level interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in acoustic and seismic remote sensing of urban environments.
Program Director: Dr. Max Denis, max.denis@udc.edu
The Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy (CERE) offers solutions through research, innovation, analysis, partners, and people. Provides hands-on experience in building innovative renewable energy systems to serve urgent national and international needs for electric service to electrify remote (off-grid) as well as grid-connected areas.
Program Director: Dr. Amir Shahirinia amir.shahirinia@udc.edu

The NSF-CREST: Center for Nanotechnology Research and Education (CNRE) uses UDC faculty’s core expertise in nanotechnology to establish a nationally recognized center of excellence to realize UDC’s goals of supporting B.S., M.S., Ph.D., and Postdoctoral level research and professional development.
Program Director: Dr. Pawan Tyagi, ptyagi@udc.edu
The STAR Center will create an environment that fosters research-driven specialized technological services focused on biomechanical and rehabilitation engineering-related research.
The SEAS Research Center performs research for large and small companies, government agencies, and organizations focused on solving engineering problems in partnership with SEAS.
Center Director: Dr. Paul Cotae, pcotae@udc.edu