(1) Spin Based Computer Devices, Sensors, and Energy Conversion System

Lead and Contact person: Pawan Tyagi

Co-PI Hongmei Dang, Kate Klein


Part-3 MTJMSD Based Chemical and Biomedical Sensors

Can molecules in magnetic tunnel junction(MTJ) based molecular device serve as chemical sensor?

Defense and health related systems may critically need chemical and biochemical sensors to accurately determine the  threats to human life. This effort will produce a wearable  <0.5 mm highly sensitive, energy-efficient, and multi-chemical sensor.

Challenges:  Our novel sensor will address the following questions.

  • How to utilize molecular spintronics device sensor, specifically designed for target molecules, to exhibit extremely high sensitivity detection
  • How to utilize “one sensor” to detect multiple threat chemicals and biomolecules.
  • How to miniaturize and remotely transmit data by inventing suitable circuit including, processor, energy source, transmitter)

Proposed Technical Approach: This future research will utilize molecular spintronics devices for sensing multiple chemicals. Our devices will be produced by transforming a capacitor or magnetic tunnel junction into molecular devices (Fig. 1). Multiple molecular device elements will be chemically bonded between two metal films. These molecular sensing elements will be chosen to detect chemicals of interest. Interaction of the target chemical with the molecular device element will produce change in the capacitance and current via the molecular channels.

Potential advantages:

  • Very high signal to noise ratio: Only few molecules can produce large signal .
  • Ultra compact and light-weight: Can be worn as a ring or button. (Sensor body <hair thickness)
  • Long life and reusable: Self-cleaning operation can rejuvenate molecular sensing units.
  • Configurable: Same molecular electronics sensor approach can be adopted for newly detected threat, threat chemical. Just use new molecular device molecule for a new need.
  • Economical production: Will utilize photolithography, thin film deposition, and chemical treatment to produce hundreds of devices at a time.

Multi-chemical Sensing with Molecular Devices

Multi-chemical Sensing with Molecular Devices

New PhD students and collaborators interested in biomedical devices are welcome to join this project in CNRE.


(1) Spin Based Computer Devices, Sensors, and Energy Conversion System