
SRA International Launches Sequestration Resource Center | If you have any questions, please contact Kerri McGovern

NSPAA – Save the Date – June 3 – 6, 2014

Summer Research Fellowship Opportunity:
In the U.S., Hispanics represent the largest, and one of the fastest growing minority population subgroups.  To determine what programs and policies should be doing differently, if anything, to better serve Hispanic children and families, Child Trends and Abt Associates are pleased to announce the creation of the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families (“Center’). The Center is comprised of a strong team of national experts on Hispanic issues, and is a hub of research to improve the lives of Hispanics across three priority areas—(1) poverty reduction and self-sufficiency, (2) healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood, and (3) early care and education. The Center was established by a 2013 cooperative agreement from the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation within the Administration for Children and Families to Child Trends in partnership with Abt Associates and university partners – University of Maryland-College Park, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, and New York University.

The newly launched Center also is pleased to announce a new Summer Research Fellowship program for 2014. In its inaugural year, the goal of the Summer Research Fellowship Program is to attract, develop, and expand the pool of emerging scholars focused on studying issues concerning low-income and vulnerable Hispanic children and families.  This 12-week program is open to those currently enrolled in an advanced graduate program (Master’s, Ph.D., or ABD – “all but dissertation”) and will provide graduate students with the opportunity to carry out policy-research in an applied setting, and in ways that can impact both policy and programs serving Hispanic children and families.  We currently are accepting applications for summer 2014 research fellowships.  Click here for more information on how to apply.  Due to the demand, be sure to submit your application byMarch 7th, 2014.

National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus issue (January 2014)

GrantWeek from the Grants Resource Center: January 27, 2014

In This Edition
•FY 14 Appropriations: CNCS Receives Level Funding
•FY 14 Appropriations: NSF CAUSE Not Funded
•FY 14 Appropriations: HUD Funding Priorities Remain the Same
•FY 14 Appropriations: DOJ Receives Level Funding
•FY 14 Appropriations: DOL Sustains Some Cuts
•Foundation Center’s GrantCraft Hub Offers Deep Insight into Funding Decisions
•NEH Grantees Sharing Project Tips with Students for National History Day

FY 14 Appropriations: CNCS Receives Level Funding
The FY 14 appropriation for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is just over $1 billion, which restores CNCS to its pre-sequestration level. The core programs for CNCS continue to be the various AmeriCorps programs. With a budget of $457 million, these programs comprise almost half of CNCS’ total budget. The programs are tasked with recruiting and training volunteers, 18 years old and over, for service activities. CNCS expects to continue with the STEM AmeriCorps initiative that is part of the overall AmeriCorps VISTA programs and seeks to place volunteers in organizations that focus on science, technology, engineering and math. However, the School Turnaround AmeriCorps program, which was new in FY 13 and is a partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, is not listed in the current budget.

FY 14 Appropriations: NSF CAUSE Not Funded
The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) FY 14 appropriation of $7.2 billion is $82 million below FY 13 pre-sequestration levels. While NSF has released new initiatives—Improving Undergraduate STEM Education, STEM-C Partnerships: MSP and STEM-C Computing —the FY 13 hype surrounding the Catalyzing Advances in Undergraduate Stem Education (CAUSE) program will not be a reality in FY 14.
Other appropriations for general NSF activities include: $5.8 billion for research and related activities, $846.5 million for education and human resources, $200 million for major research equipment and facilities construction and $4.3 million for the National Science Board.

FY 14 Appropriations: HUD Funding Priorities Remain the Same
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) FY 14 appropriations total $32.8 billion, which is a decrease of $687 million from FY 13 pre-sequestration levels. In FY 14, HUD’s priorities are growing the middle class, prioritizing renewals (rental assistance), creating ladders of opportunity for all, and reducing regulatory burdens while increasing the efficiency of HUD programs. Unfortunately, competitions within the Office of University Partnerships may once again be on hold. However, college and university stakeholders are encouraged to seek other HUD opportunities which primarily include partnering with housing authorities and community organizations.

FY 14 Appropriations: DOJ Receives Level Funding
The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) FY 14 appropriation is $27.4 billion, which reflects mostly level funding over the last four years. The main priorities across the agency are protecting citizens from terrorism and other national security threats, combating violent crime, eradicating financial fraud and protecting society’s most vulnerable members. Colleges and universities would do well to build relationships with community partners, particularly those that serve communities and/or individuals most vulnerable to crime.
Highlights of DOJ’s budget include: $2.2 billion for overall state and local grant programs, $417 million for Violence Against Women programs, $376 million for Byrne Justice Assistance Grants and $75 million for a new Comprehensive School Safety Initiative.

FY 14 Appropriations: DOL Sustains Some Cuts
The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) FY 14 appropriation is  $12 billion, $100 million less than DOL requested, and $449 million less than FY 13 pre-sequestration levels. Of this total, $10.4 billion is budgeted for the Employment and Training Administration, and $269.5 million for the Veterans Employment and Training Service. The popular Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program is returning for its fourth competition in FY 14 with its full $500 million in funding, up from the FY 13 sequestration funding of $474.5 million. The FY 14 TAACCCT and other DOL competitions will be released throughout the spring.

Foundation Center’s GrantCraft Hub Offers Deep Insight into Funding Decisions
The Foundation Center and the European Foundation Centre have unveiled their concept of a one-stop shop for foundations and their grantees. GrantCraft’s “practical wisdom for funders” includes reports, data, infographics, and full presentation slide decks designed to guide funders and give insight to grantseekers. A presentation on “Saying Yes/Saying No to Applicants” provides details on how applications can land in the categories of a categorical “no,” a policy “no,” and a personal judgment “no.”

NEH Grantees Sharing Project Tips with Students for National History Day
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and National History Day are hosting a Google+ Hangout webinar series where museum and media professionals will share strategies for creating website, exhibitions, and documentary films. The program is designed to introduce the more than 600,000 student participants in National History Day to effective research and storytelling techniques. Three NEH grantees will teach middle and high school students about the craft of researching and producing websites, exhibitions and documentaries using their NEH-funded projects as examples. Registration and general information are available for each webinar.

Editor: Erika Thompson
Assistant Editor: Richard Wellons
Contributors: Megan Cantwell, Leah Jacobs and Irelene Ricks

Submit questions, comments, and article ideas to
The HTML version of this document will be available at
Contact webmaster at regarding technical issues

Last Call:  Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Deadline January 27

Happy new year from the Payne International Development Program!  We wanted to ask your help in sharing one final time the announcement below for the Payne Program with students and university graduates interested in careers of international service.  The application deadline is January 27, so interested applicants should act quickly if they want to apply for the 2014 fellowship.

2014 Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship
The Payne Program is designed to attract outstanding young people to careers in international development as USAID Foreign Service Officers.  The Payne Fellowship Program provides benefits valued at up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, arranges internships on Capitol Hill and at USAID missions overseas, and provides professional development and support activities.  Fellows who successfully complete the program become USAID Foreign Service Officers.  Fellows may use the fellowship to attend a two-year master’s program in a U.S. institution to study an area of relevance to the USAID Foreign Service, including international development, international relations, public policy, business administration, foreign languages, economics, agriculture, environmental sciences, health, or urban planning at a graduate or professional school approved by the Payne Program.  At the end of the two-year fellowship, Fellows enter the USAID Foreign Service.  Applicants must be college seniors or graduates looking to start graduate school in the fall of the year they apply, have GPAs of at least 3.2 and be U.S. citizens.  The program welcomes applications from those with any undergraduate major and encourages applications from members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the USAID Foreign Service and those with financial need.  Information and application materials for the program are available at  The application deadline is January 27, 2014.  The Program is funded by USAID and managed by Howard University.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, 202-806-5952 or

2014 Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship
Number of Fellowships Offered:  5
Eligibility Requirements:  U.S. citizenship; GPA of 3.2/4.0; seeking to start two-year relevant grad program in fall 2014
Online Application Open:
Application Deadline:  January 27, 2014- Finalists selected by the end of February – Fellows selected by mid-March

Contact:; 202-806-4367, (877) 633-0002; or Tessa Henry, ( 202-806-5952.

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and Grant Writing USA will present a two-day grants workshop in Washington, January 7-8, 2014.  This training is applicable to grant seekers across all disciplines.  Attend this class and you’ll learn how to find grants and write winning grant proposals.
Click here for full event details.
Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend.
Multi-enrollment discounts and discounts for Grant Writing USA returning alumni are available.  Tuition payment is not required at the time of enrollment.
Educators can earn one semester unit of post-baccalaureate-level professional development credit from FPU for participation in a Grant Writing USA Workshop.
Tuition is $425 and includes all materials: workbook and accompanying 420MB resource CD that’s packed full of tools and more than 200 sample grant proposals.  Seating is limited, online reservations are necessary.
More information including learning objectives, class location, graduate testimonials and online registration is available here.  If you prefer friendly, personal service, please call or write:
The Client Services Team
at Grant Writing USA

More than 10,000 agencies across North America have turned to Grant Writing USA for grant writing and grant management training.

QEM/NSF CAREER Proposal Development Workshop for STEM Assistant Professors, March 14-15, 2014, Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport; Registration Deadline, Friday February 7, 2014

Application Form | Regisration Form | Faculty Early Career Development Program | Faculty Early Career Development Program FAQ’s | Flyer

early alert to faculty and administrators regarding a proposal development and evaluation workshop for eligible science and engineering junior faculty at minority-serving institutions who are seriously interested in submitting proposals to the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Underrepresented minority science and engineering faculty at non-minority-serving institutions who meet the Program’s eligibility criteria also can register for this workshop.

The figures and information cited in this email are based on the most recent CAREER solicitation and are subject to change when the new solicitation is released. The deadlines for CAREER proposals vary by NSF Directorate but have in the past occurred during the latter part of July.

The Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network will conduct the workshop, with support from NSF. It will take place on Friday-Saturday, March 14-15, 2014, at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport, 1739 West Nursery Road • Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 • 410/694-0808.

Depending on the level of interest and of funds available, QEM may be able to support the participation (travel, meals, and lodging) of up to two eligible faculty from a given institution. Additional eligible faculty may participate at their or their institution’s expense.  While we are unable to support previous participants in QEM CAREER workshops, such individuals are welcome to attend at their or their institution’s expense.

To facilitate the participation of early career scientists and engineers with young children, QEM will offer modest childcare awards to eligible faculty with children to offset the cost of childcare expenses incurred as a result of workshop attendance. As reflected in the attached Childcare Application Form for the 2014 QEM/CAREER workshop, QEM will offer up to ten (10) childcare awards valued at up to $100 to assist eligible early-career faculty members attending the workshop with expenses associated with needed childcare after 5:00 pm on Friday (up to three hours) and on Saturday (up to eight hours). For more information on the Foundation’s Career-Life Balance Initiative see

To be eligible to participate in the CAREER Program, a faculty member must hold a doctoral degree in a field of science or engineering supported by NSF; be untenured but on the tenure track as an assistant professor at her/his institution by October 1, 2014; have not previously received a CAREER award; and have not competed more than two times in the NSF CAREER Program. Applicants must be actively engaged in research and teaching.

The minimum CAREER award, including indirect costs, will total $400,000 over a five-year period, except in the case of the Biological Sciences where the minimum request must be for $500,000 over a five-year period (approximately $100,000/year). Cost-sharing is not required or allowed.

Through the CAREER Program, NSF is seeking to sustain and strengthen the Nation’s science, mathematics, and engineering capabilities and to promote the use of those capabilities in service to society.  In particular, CAREER supports the early career-development activities of those teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century.

Please forward this email to eligible faculty at your or another institution if you: (1) do not meet the eligibility requirements yourself; or (2) have participated in a previous QEM CAREER workshop.  In either case, we encourage you to post the attached flyer regarding the workshop on your departmental bulletin board to alert other faculty who may be eligible.

Participants will be required to submit a one-page project summary of the proposal that would be submitted to the Foundation’s CAREER program. The project summary, of not more that one page in length, should be prepared in accordance with the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) of the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures (PAPP) Guide (NSF 14-1).

According to the GPG (Chapter II), “Each proposal must contain a summary of the proposed project not more than one page in length. The Project Summary consists of an overview, a statement on the intellectual merit of the proposed activity, and a statement on the broader impacts of the proposed activity.

The overview includes a description of the activity that would result if the proposal were funded and a statement of objectives and methods to be employed. The statement on intellectual merit should describe the potential of the proposed activity to advance knowledge. The statement on broader impacts should describe the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes.”

The GPG further states that the “Project Summary should be written in the third person, informative to other persons working in the same or related fields, and, insofar as possible, understandable to a scientifically or technically literate lay reader. It should not be an abstract of the proposal.Proposals that do not contain the Project Summary, including an overview and separate statements on intellectual merit and broader impacts will not be accepted by FastLane or will be returned without review.”

The QEM/CAREER workshop will be designed to assist eligible faculty in further developing their proposal ideas prior to the CAREER Program’s July 2014 deadlines The latest CAREER Program guidelines (NSF 11-690) are attached, along with a registration form, and a document (NSF 11-038) containing frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the CAREER Program.

To register for the workshop, the attached registration form should be completed and returned to Shirley McBay at <> by Friday, February 7, 2014. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact me by email at or by telephone at 202/659-1818.

The required one-page project summary described above will be due on Friday, February 14, 2014, one week later. Registration forms and the one-page project summaries can be submitted at any time prior to their respective deadline dates.

We look forward to you and/or a colleague at your institution joining us at the CAREER workshop at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport.

Sakarya University Organizes INTE 2014 Conference
5th International Conference on New Horizons in Education
INTE 2014
Paris – FRANCE

25-27 June 2014

Call for papers
International Conference on New Horizons aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in education can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in Italian, Turkish, English, Czech, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian languages and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings. Furthermore if the presenter is unable to attend the oral presentation, video presentations are available. For further information on how to submit, please refer to the Paper Submission section on our website. For paper guidelines, please refer to the Paper Guidelines section. INTE 2014 conference is supported by Sakarya University and TASET and will take place on June 25-27, 2014 in Hotel Novotel Paris Est, Paris, France.

We would like to invite you to share your experience and your papers with academicians, teachers and professionals. 


Conference Language
The official languages of the conference are Italian, Turkish, English, Czech, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian Language. Proposals can be sent and be presented in either language. But all submission process will be done in English. Please, submit your proposal according to the following presentation category descriptions in paper guidelines.

Conference Venue
INTE 2014 will be held in Hotel Novotel Paris Est, Paris, France.


Abstract Deadline : Until June 13, 2014

Full Article Deadline : Until June 16, 2014

Registration Fee Deadline : Until June 16, 2014


The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program, sponsored by the Office of Fossil Energy (FE), U.S. Department of Energy, is now accepting applications for a10-week summer internship. MLEF’s mission is to improve opportunities for women and minority students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, but all eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. The program allows students to apply their academic achievements to actual research while gaining hands-on experience.  Eligibility ranges from sophomores to post-docs.
Selected MLEF Fellows will receive a bi-weekly stipend, approved travel costs to/from their host site and will attend a Technical Forum to present their project at the end of the internship


To qualify for the program, students must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be a U.S. Citizen;
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher; and
  • Be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university (sophomore year or higher)

Application Process
The appointment is through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.  The application may be found at   Deadline is January 15, 2014.

Contact Information
For further information contact
Barbara Dunkin

Dear GRC Members:

This program alert comes from Jean Feldman, Head, NSF Policy Office regarding the new (2014) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (see below):

A new version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 14-1) has been issued.  The PAPPG is comprised of documents relating to the Foundation’s proposal and award process and consists of the:
(a) Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) for guidance on the preparation and submission of proposals to NSF; and
(b) Award & Administration Guide (AAG) to guide, manage, and monitor the award and administration of grants and cooperative agreements made by the Foundation.

This new version of the PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after February 24, 2014.  Significant changes include:

  • Addition to the certification regarding Conflict of Interest regarding the appropriate disclosure process;
  • Reiteration that indirect costs are not allowed on participant support costs;
  • Small-scale pilot of a new environmental impacts process with a few programs, prior to NSF-wide implementation;
  • Updated process for program income reporting;  and
  • Numerous clarifications throughout the document.

A by-chapter summary of the changes is provided at the beginning of both the Grant Proposal Guide and the Award & Administration Guide to assist with identifying the changes.

While this version of the PAPPG becomes effective on February 24, 2014, in the interim, the guidelines contained in the current PAPPG (NSF 13-1) continue to apply.  We will ensure that the current version of the PAPPG remains on the NSF website, with a notation to proposers that specifies when the new PAPPG (including a link to the new Guide) will become effective.

Please direct any questions to the Policy Office in the Division of Institution & Award Support at, or 703.292.8243.

Revised Guidance on Resumption of NIH Extramural Activities Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations

Notice Number: NOT-OD-14-007

Key Dates
Release Date: October 22, 2013
Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
This Notice is to inform the community that NIH has revised its approach to resuming operations after the government shutdown. This Notice supersedes NOT-OD-14-003.
Responding to input from applicants and reviewers, NIH has reevaluated the plans for rescheduling initial peer review meetings that were cancelled due to the government shutdown. NIH will now reschedule most of the 200+ missed peer review meetings so that most applications are able to be considered at January 2014 Council meetings.
Rescheduling Peer Review Meetings
Most NIH peer review meetings that occurred during or immediately following the government shutdown will be rescheduled so that as many applications as possible are able to be considered at January 2014 Council meetings.
Opportunity to “Refresh” Applications that are Reassigned to May 2014 Advisory Council
As this is an unprecedented situation where the review meetings are being rescheduled under tight time frames, scheduling complexities may prevent the evaluation of the full complement of applications for this round.  Thus, while it is thought to be a small number, there may be some applications that cannot be reviewed in time for the January 2014 Advisory Council. These applications will be reassigned to the May 2014 Advisory Council and both the principal investigator and the signing official listed on the grant application will receive an email notification alerting them to the change during the week of November 4, 2013. NIH will also adjust the meeting dates listed in the eRA Commons for these refresh-eligible applications to 09/09/9999 so the applications can be easily identified.
Applications reassigned to the May 2014 Advisory Council will proceed to initial peer review in February/March 2014 without any action from the applicant. However, NIH is giving these applicants the option of withdrawing and submitting a refreshed application. If you choose to refresh your application, follow the steps below carefully:

  • Withdraw the existing application by November 15.
  • Submit the refreshed application to the original funding opportunity announcement (FOA), if possible. If that FOA has closed, submit to the appropriate parent announcement. If there is no parent announcement for that activity code, send an e-mail to with the previous FOA number and we will work with you to get the application submitted.
  • Submit a cover letter with the refreshed application. Indicate that you are refreshing your application for the May 2014 council round, include the previous application number, and provide the previous study section assignment. Applicants are welcome to use the email notification they received from NIH as the cover letter.
  • Make the refreshed application a “new”, “resubmission” or “renewal” to match the withdrawn application.
  • All refreshed applications are due by December 11, 2013. No late applications will be accepted for this special receipt date.
  • Only applicants who are reassigned to May 2014 Advisory Council round, and who are notified by NIH of their eligibility to refresh an application, may submit for the December 11 deadline. Any other applications for this deadline will not be reviewed. As always, other applications that are rescheduled for review this round may be withdrawn for any reason, as per our usual process, and submitted for the next standard deadline.

January 2014
Extended Support Hours and Other Notable Updates
Extended Support Hours
Effective immediately the technical support (Help Desk) hours have been extended to accommodate more learners and administrators worldwide. Support staff is now available between the hours of 8:30am ET and 7:30pm ET.
[Contact Us]
Update to Learner Affiliation Process
In the coming days, the various drop-down selection lists that learners use to choose an institutional affiliation, during the initial registration process and when adding a new affiliation, will be replaced by a single search box that allows searching by full or partial organization name. As a result of this update, we ask that you review your organization’s enrollment instructions, if applicable, to ensure that they reflect this change.
[Review the update]
Working with Dogs in Research Settings Course Update
The Animal Care and Use (ACU) course, Working with Dogs in Research Settings, has been updated to reflect the 20 December 2013 NIH Guidance Document NOT-OD-14-034 (Notice Regarding NIH Plan to Transition from Use of USDA Class B Dogs to Other Legal Sources).
[Read more]
2013 New Content Recap
Review all new courses and modules released in 2013.
[View the recap]

The CITI Program | University of Miami Miller School of Medicine | P.O. Box 016960 Locator Code: M859 | Miami, FL 33101

Deadline Jan 6 Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program

The Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP), provides a ten-week opportunity for students to participate in research at one of the 29 Department of Navy (DoN) laboratories during the summer.
•       The goals of NREIP are to encourage participating students to pursue science and engineering careers, to further education via mentoring by laboratory personnel and their participation in research.
•       NREIP provides research internships to 200 undergraduate students and 75 graduate students each year.
•       Students will receive a stipend for their participation in the summer internship as follows: Sophomores receive $5,400.00. Juniors and Seniors receive $8,100.00. Graduate students will receive $10,800.00.
•       Applicants must be U.S. Citizens.

Online Application Now Open Until January 6, 2014!

Final Extension! The Call for Proposals has been extended until Wednesday, December 4th!The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will hold the 17th Annual Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference (WREC) May 28 – 30, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC. The final deadline to submit proposals is Wednesday, December 4, 2013. This is the final deadline, and there will be no more extensions. 
For more than 15 years, this conference has been a leading forum for researchers, practitioners, program operators, State and local administrators, Federal officials and policymakers to discuss family self-sufficiency programs and policies. Conference presentations highlight the latest findings in family self-sufficiency research, ways to incorporate findings into research design, and implementation of programs, policies and strategies for future evaluations.

The conference will focus on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and related programs, policies and services that support low-income and vulnerable families on the path to economic self-sufficiency. This year’s conference will feature presentations on topics including:

  • TANF
  • Education, Training and Success in the Labor Market
  • Child and Youth Well-Being
  • Fatherhood, Relationships and Strengthening Families
  • Evaluating Social Programs: Building and Using Evidence
  • Approaches to Alleviate Poverty and Strengthen the Safety Net

Conference presentations will feature both basic and applied research with an audience that includes researchers, practitioners, State and local administrators and policymakers.
OPRE invites proposals for individual presentations and for entire conference sessions. OPRE will consider the following criteria for proposals:

  • Relevance to family self-sufficiency policy or program design and administration
  • Methodological rigor, especially through the use of experimental designs
  • Innovative approaches or new contributions to the field
  • Clarity of description

OPRE has a strong preference for presentations that highlight recent findings in empirical research, particularly research based on rigorous, experimental designs, although we will consider discussions of work in progress. Presentations that combine research findings with input from State and local practitioners are especially welcome.
OPRE may request a draft presentation or paper prior to making a final decision.
Conference sessions will be 75 minutes in length, and may consist of three presentations, two presentations and one prepared commentary or some other format. All sessions will reserve time at the end for audience questions and discussion.
OPRE is particularly interested in fostering the work of new and emerging scholars in the family self-sufficiency field. To support this effort, ACF will once again feature work from emerging scholars at the 2014 conference. Emerging scholars include those who are currently in graduate school or are only a few years past completing a degree. ACF will host specific opportunities to feature the work of emerging scholars, which may include paper presentations or a special poster session. Individuals who are early in their careers are strongly encouraged to submit proposals for the conference. You will denote whether you are an emerging scholar on the online proposal submission form.
OPRE may be able to sponsor travel and lodging for a limited number of speakers, including emerging scholars. The proposal submission site includes an application for travel sponsorship. Youmust complete this application to be considered for travel sponsorship. OPRE cannot consider requests for travel sponsorship without a completed application. OPRE has limited travel funds and will not be able to cover travel costs for all speakers.
All proposals must be in English. Proposals should be no more than one page in length (approximately 500 words), exclusive of biographical sketches, and should summarize the content of the presentation. If you are proposing an entire conference session, please include a title for the session along with a general description/rationale and then submit a separate proposal for each presentation to be included in the session (limit three presentations per conference session).
The final deadline for proposals is Wednesday, December 4, 2013.
Proposals should include:

  • Presentation title
  • As appropriate, detail on research, such as:
    • research questions addressed
    • research design implemented (e.g. experimental, quasi-experimental, econometric analysis)
    • data sources used (including the response rate for new survey data)
    • analysis methods
    • findings, including non-significant findings as appropriate
  • Relevance to conference themes
  • Completion date or estimated completion date of the study
  • When and where else the presentation has been or will be presented
  • A biographical sketch for each of the proposed presenters/discussants (no more than 150 words each)
  • Contact information for each of the proposed presenters/discussants

Please note: If research was conducted under a grant or contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or another part of the Federal government then proposals must include the date funded and stated purpose of the grant or contract as described in the Federal Register or other announcement under which the research was funded.
1)     Please visit the Call for Proposals page of the conference website ( and fill in all required fields.
2)     When your submission is complete, click on the “Submit” button.
All proposals must be submitted online by Wednesday, December 4, 2013.
Please direct questions about conference content to Hilary Forster at or Erica Zielewski at

Please direct any technical questions about using the online proposal submission site or any general questions about conference logistics to

Call for Papers: TOJDEL

The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning. TOJDEL is an online international electronic journal that covers valuable research articles from international research agenda. The content of TOJDEL relates to distance education and e-learning studies.

Colleagues interested in submitting a paper for review can email to . Potential articles are reviewed by members of our editorial review committee.

For any questions you have please do not hesitate to contact us at .

Upcoming Trainings – Click here to view additional information.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Training

The University of the District of Columbia’s Office of Sponsored programs will conduct an Institutional Review Board Workshop.   This training will focus on IRB Purpose, Requirements and Processes. We highly recommend that faculty, staff and students who plan to submit proposals involving human subjects attend this Workshop. Please register to participate.

Please register to participate.  Click the link below to register:

Training is scheduled for:

Monday, November 18, 2013, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Location:  UDC Van Ness Campus, Building 41, e-Lab 104.

Training will be conducted by OSP staff.

Attendees should feel free to bring forward any questions and concerns they may have regarding the topic.

For further information, please contact us at 202.274.5838 or at

Rescheduling October Application Due Dates

  • All October grant application submission deadlines have been rescheduled as follows (this information has not changed from the previous Notice):

Standard Due Dates:

Activity Code Original Due Date New Due Date
R01s, U01s (New) October 5 November 12
Ks (New) October 12 November 12
R03s, R21s, R34s, R36s (New) October 16 November 18
R15s (All) October 25 November 18


Special Due Dates:

Funding Opportunity Original Due Date New Due Date
RFAs, PARs, PAs Due dates not listed above November  1*



Funding Opportunity Original Due Date New Due Date
PAR-13-277 October 1 November  14
PAR-13-351 October 23 November 14
RFA-AI-13-043 October 23 November 14
PAR-13-086 October 24 November 14
PAR-13-087 October 24 November 14


  • The NIH Loan Repayment Program application deadline has been extended from November 15 to December 2.
  • will continue to accept applications for funding opportunity announcements with October closing dates, even if those dates have passed.

November Application Due Dates
November grant application deadlines will not change (with the exception of the Loan Repayment program deadline listed above).
Refreshing an Application that was Submitted for an October Due Date
Since October 2013 application due dates are moving to November, NIH is giving applicants who have already submitted an application for an October due date the opportunity to replace the submission with a “refreshed” application. These applications should be submitted according to the rescheduled receipt date table, above.  Follow the guidance below if you choose to submit a “refreshed” refreshed application for the rescheduled due dates:

  • If an application has an image in the eRA Commons and is within the two day viewing window the institutional Signing Official should first reject the application in the Commons to keep it from further processing, then submit the refreshed application.
  • If there is no option to reject the application in the Commons (meaning the application has moved beyond the viewing window for further processing by NIH), applicants should withdraw the application before submitting a refreshed application.
  • Applications that have been submitted but have errors (thus have no application image), can submit a changed/corrected application.Note: Replacing the application submission with a “refreshed” application does not count as a resubmission (A1), meaning that an application submitted for an October due date as a “new” application should be submitted as a “new” application. A “resubmission” should be submitted again as “resubmission”.  A “renewal” should continue to be a “renewal”.

Processing of Applications Submitted During the Shutdown
Applications submitted since October 1 that were held at during the period of the shutdown have been processed by NIH’s eRA systems.

  • Please proactively check the Commons for the status of any application submission.
  • All error free applications submitted during or in the two days prior to the shutdown will be held for viewing in the Commons on Tuesday and Wednesday Oct 22 and 23 to ensure applicants have 2 full business days to check their application image before it moves on to NIH’s Center of Scientific Review (CSR) for processing.

Rescheduled Research Performance Progress Report Due Dates
Due dates for Research Performance Progress Reports that were due between October 1and October 21 have been extended to November 4, 2013. If you have issues being able to submit on time, contact staff at the NIH funding Institute or Center.
eRA Systems Availability
eRA systems are now fully available.
Early Stage Investigator Eligibility
NIH will automatically adjust the Early Stage Investigator (ESI) status for applicants whose status has changed during the period of delay caused by the shutdown.
K99/R00 Eligibility
Information on the late resubmission due date for the K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award program (see NOT-OD-13-050) will be issued in a separate Notice (NOT-OD-14-006). All other K99/R00 application due dates follow the due dates for career development awards (Ks) in the table above.
Payment Management System
Payments through the Payment Management System (PMS) should be processing as usual.  If grantees received a communication during the shutdown that a drawdown request was on hold, please contact PMS directly to determine the status of that pending request.
Award Actions
NIH anticipates beginning to release awards sometime after November 1.
Financial Operations under a Continuing Resolution
NIH soon will publish a Notice on our financial operations under a continuing resolution.
NIH will continue to provide the community with guidance on resumption of extramural activities after the shutdown as necessary.
FAQs will continue to be developed as NIH gets questions. NIH has established a web page to consolidate information on resuming operations after the shutdown.

Please direct all inquiries to:

NIH Grants Information
Telephone: 301-435-0714

New RCR Refresher Course Available
Available as a part of the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) series, the CITI Program now offers a new RCR Refresher course.
The RCR Refresher course is discipline-neutral and meant to reinforce the importance of concepts covered in a basic level RCR course. Each module in the RCR Refresher course includes a short quiz and at least one case study.
Refresher subjects include:

  • Authorship
  • Collaborative Research
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Data Management
  • Mentoring
  • Peer Review
  • Research Involving Human Subjects
  • Research Misconduct
  • Using Animal Subjects in Research

It is recommended that learners complete the RCR Refresher course three or four years after completing a basic RCR course but it is up to your organization to determine whether refresher training is appropriate for its learners.
There is no additional cost for a subscribing organization to add the RCR Refresher course to its current offerings. If you would like to review all available content in our RCR series, please see theRCR Catalog.
Ready to proceed?

All October grant application due dates have been rescheduled as follows:

Activity Code Original Due Date New Due Date
R01s, U01s (New) October 5 November 12
Ks (New) October 12 November 12
R03s, R21s, R34s, R36s (New) October 16 November 18
R15s (All) October 25 November 18

For other opportunities with application due dates not listed above,  applications are tentatively due on November 1.
The eRA Commons will be available for public access on October 21. Applications submitted since October 1 have been held at and will be processed by NIH’s eRA systems on October 21, once NIH makes eRA systems available. Also, since October application due dates are moving to November, NIH is giving applicants who have already submitted an application for an October due date the opportunity to replace the submission with a “refreshed” application.
See the notice for more details or contact NIH Grants Information at or 301/435-0714.


Notice from Jean Feldman, head of NSF’s policy office: a new page has been developed directly off the main NSF website that includes both the Important Notice as well as supplemental guidance that addresses grant and cooperative agreement related policy and systems issues.  This page will be of interest to your membership and we would appreciate your sharing this link as soon as possible. This page will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.

Policy-related questions regarding the shutdown may be addressed to

TO:  NIH Extramural Community

This is a brief communication to update the biomedical research community of the current status of extramural operations at NIH. The NIH continues to be shut down for all non-excepted activities. This means that the vast majority of NIH staff that oversee program, review, and grants management are furloughed, NIH grants and contract submissions are not being processed, reviews are not occurring, and no awards are being made. As described in NOT-OD-13-126, the Payment Management Systems remains operational and funds for most grants awarded before the shutdown can continue to be drawn down.

As the shutdown drags on, the challenge of reestablishing normal operations quickly is growing. Once the shutdown is over, NIH will need time to set new dates for grant and contract submissions, review meetings, conferences, and other activities that were scheduled to happen during and immediately following the period of the shutdown. It will take us a few days after this is over to communicate our plans, so please bear with us.

You can find the current guidance posted at Once we reopen, additional information will be posted and published in the NIH Guide as quickly as we can make it available.

All of us at NIH hope the current situation is resolved soon, but we don’t know when that will be.
We appreciate your patience as we go through this difficult experience together.


Sally Rockey, Ph.D.
NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research

Upcoming Trainings – Click here to view additional information.

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

The JBHE Weekly Bulletin delivers the latest news on African Americans in higher education each week. Stay up to date by visiting and following us on Twitter and Facebook. Also, be sure to check out our sister site, Women In Academia Report, tracking the progress of women in higher education via daily updates and a weekly newsletter. Click here to view more.

Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)Instrument Acquisition or Development Program Solicitation: NSF 13-517 | MRI Follow-up Agenda Outline | MRI Follow-up Travel & Reply | QEM Travel Policy

Updated Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Modules

In an effort to help strengthen the RCR series, the CITI Program is pleased to inform you that we have recently made several updates to our RCR modules.


  • Module contents including links and quizzes have been updated to maintain the presentation of high quality materials. Many updates were made directly in response to feedback provided by individual learners and administrators.
  • Module titles have been updated to better represent their disciplinary and topical focus.
  • In addition to the above changes, we are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the CITI’s Program extensive collection of RCR case studies. Please expect an e-mail message regarding the specifics of the case study changes in the coming months.

Helpful Documents

For more information, e-mail or call (305) 243-7970 to speak to a member of our Help Desk.  More information:

NIH Funds and Lobbying Activities

Posted on May 24, 2013 by Sally Rockey

NIH-funded awards are subject to a prohibition on using federal funds for lobbying activities… While these prohibitions have been in place for a long time, we are taking this opportunity to raise the visibility of the topic particularly since we had some changes last year and are often asked about what is and isn’t allowed under the prohibition. …. Continue reading →

Funding Operations for FY2013

Posted on May 8, 2013 by Sally Rockey

Today we announced NIH policies for fiscal operation for the remainder of the 2013 fiscal year (FY). These policies implement the continuing resolution signed by President Obama on March 26, and also incorporate the provisions of the sequester (formally known as the 2011 Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act). Continue reading →

NIH to Require the Use of Updated Electronic Grant Application Forms

NIH periodically updates the electronic grant application forms used to apply to NIH programs. These updates are necessary in order to remain current with the most recent form sets available through and approved by the Office of Management and Budget. . Our next form update will take place for applications submitted for due dates on or after September 25, 2013 …. Continue reading →

Multi-project Applications Go Electronic in September

NIH’s goal of accepting all competing grant applications electronically is finally within reach! …. With the experience of piloting five funding opportunities from start to finish, lots of applicant feedback, and numerous system, instruction and process enhancements in place, NIH is ready to move ahead and has announced an adjusted transition schedule …. Continue reading →

The What, When, and Why of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

Wondering why a new fed-wide format and a new system for progress reporting is now required for some awards? Continue reading →

PHS 398 Required Application Instructions

It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the PHS 398 Application Guide except where instructed to do otherwise (in this FOA or in a Notice from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts). Conformance to all requirements (both in the Application Guide and the FOA) is required and strictly enforced. While some links are provided, applicants must read and follow all application instructions in the Application Guide as well as any program-specific instructions noted in Section IV. When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions. Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.

Looking ahead: NIH is committed to transitioning all grant programs to electronic submission using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) format and is currently investigating solutions that will accommodate NIH’s multi-project programs. NIH will announce plans to transition the remaining programs in the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts and on NIH’s Applying Electronically website.

Note: A new version of the paper PHS 398 application form and instructions (revised 6/2009) must now be used. Download the new application form and instructions from

New Human Subjects Research (HSR) Refresher Courses – The CITI Program is pleased to announce the successful transition from its previous HSR refresher offerings in biomedical research (101, 200, and 201 courses), and social and behavioral research (101 and 201 courses) to its updated HSR refresher courses. View a listing of the new HSR refresher courses via this link: Human Subjects Research (HSR) Refresher Courses.pdf

Attention Faculty & Staff:  HBCU-Centered Museum Internship Opportunity

Who Should Participate:

Administrators/Faculty who are interested in museums, museum studies, museum internships and research opportunities; university/college administrators and staff who work in/with campus museums, supervise interns; and any other interested parties such as Career Placement Administrators.

What do I Need to Know Now?

Principal Investigators (PIs) and co-PIs must stop submitting new project reports in FastLane starting on February 1, 2013. On March 18, 2013, NSF will transfer its current project reporting service from FastLane to<>.  You should pay particular attention to your reports that are currently in progress and reports previously submitted and returned by your NSF Program Officer.

Project reports that are in progress as well as those reports that are returned by NSF Program Officers should be revised and resubmitted prior to February 1. To assist the research community with this transition, the overdue dates have been extended for all project reports originally scheduled to become overdue between January 31 and April 30, 2013. Starting March 18, 2013, you can use<> to submit project reports.

Foundation restructures application requirements.

Subject terms:

Peer review

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has changed some of its grant-submission requirements, effective from 14 January. The project-summary section of the submission now asks applicants to use separate text boxes for their proposal overview, their description of the project’s intellectual merit and their explanation of its broader impacts. Submitting these sections as one document will cause the application to be rejected. NSF spokeswoman Maria Zacharias says that reviewers were spending too long teasing out the merits and impacts of proposals. Applicants may also now list research products such as patents, data sets or software in addition to publications — a boon for junior investigators, says Zacharias. The changes stem from a review by the NSF’s oversight board, and a federal directive that the agency recognize the broader impact of research it supports.

SPRC is pleased to invite all Campus Cohort 7 Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Grantees to attend the following upcoming virtual event! Please see the reminder below for more information about how to login on the day of the event. We also encourage you to test your computer connection ahead of time to avoid technical issues.

Download: Syllabus | Calendar

Planning for Success: Creating a Strategic Plan for your Grant and Beyond
Friday, December 6th, from 2:00 – 3:15 PM Eastern Time (1:00 – 2:15pm CST; 12:00 – 1:15pm MST; 11:00am – 12:15pm PST; 10:00 – 11:15 am AKST; 9:00 – 10:30am HAST)

This webinar will cover the key steps in a strategic planning process that grantees can take to maximize the success of their programs. We will also outline how this approach to program planning can help in successfully sustaining program efforts after the grant ends.

Learning Objectives:
1)      Participants will be able to identify key steps in a strategic planning process and ways they can apply the this to their own program.
2)      Participants will be able to describe ways that strategic planning can assist in sustaining program efforts after the grant ends.
3)      Participants will be able to summarize how other GLS grantees have applied a strategic approach to maximize their success.

·         Kerri Smith, Senior Campus Prevention Specialist, SPRC
·         Sheila Krishnan, Campus Prevention Specialist, SPRC

Important Details:
1) On the day of the webinar please login using the link below at least 10 minutes early to be sure you are able to access the webinar room.

2) Click the following link to enter:

3) Check “Enter as a Guest,” and type in your first and last name.

4) For audio please dial 1-866-670-7160 on your phone line.  Be sure to mute your computer speakers to avoid feedback. You will hear music playing until the webinar begins at 2:00pm EST.

You can test your computer connection ahead of time and install necessary plug-ins by clicking this link: You may also need to contact your institution’s IT Department to ensure you can connect without issues with campus firewalls.

If you have any technical problems connecting to the webinar please call SPRC at 617-618-2984 or Adobe Connect 1-800-422-3623.

Lastly, attached below are copies of the Orientation and Training Series syllabus and calendar so you can see what’s coming up next. Please contact your assigned SPRC Prevention Specialist (PS) if you have any questions.

We look forward to having you join us!

SPRC Prevention Support Team

Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to announce the publication of the latest issue of the Journal of Research Administration.
For all SRA International members and full subscribers, the PDF on-line version of the Journal is now available for download on the SRA International website and hard printed copies of the Journalwill be mailed to your address soon.
Jeffrey N. Joyce, Editor-in-Chief
SUMBIT to the Journal

NSF Announces Project Report Training Event

On October 9, 2012, National Science Foundation (NSF) policy office head Jean Feldman issued an alert regarding a pending change in the submission of project reports. “In early 2013, [NSF] will completely transfer all project reporting from FastLane to,” she says. “In support of the transition, we will begin piloting the new service in beginning in October.”

GRC encourages all members to join an October 12, 2012, project reports training webinar to hear the latest information on the pending changes. Meanwhile, it is important for research and sponsored programs administrators to alert NSF principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and future applicants that is poised to replace FastLane entirely as the system for submitting annual, final, and interim project reports and project outcome reports. Feldman expects‘s “Project Reporting Dashboard” to make it easier for all users to submit and monitor the status of required reports.

For additional information on and its potential impact, join a November 16, 2012,webinar, “How Can Help Me?”

Responding to New NIH and NSF Guidelines: Policies Sought

Attention all Public Health Service (PHS) grantees and applicants: PHS regulations have changed as of August 24, 2012. Please click here for more information

League of Black Women 2012 Annual Conference for HBCUs – May 8 -11

The National Science Foundation now mandates that all applications contain a data management plan. The Office of Sponsored Program has created guidelines and sample plans to help you create these documents. Please click on the link below for more information.

UDC Guidelines on Data Management Plans

Newly Revised PI Handbook Now Available — Interested in applying for funding? Already have a grant? The newly revised PI handbook can help answer your sponsored program related questions. The PI Handbook also provides more details on important compliance requirements including new sections on data management plans and expanded sections on time and effort and responsible conduct of research policies here at the university. Also, just as you used to do before, refer directly to the OSP web site for the latest versions of forms and agency guidelines.

The new NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 13-1) goes into effect for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 18, 2011.   The significant changes to the PAPPG include 1) a requirement that all proposals submitted to NSF contain an up to two page Data Management Plan as a Supplementary Document and 2) implementation of the National Science Board’s recommendations regarding cost sharing.  A complete list of significant changes accompanies the PAPPG.

Please note that because January 15th is a Saturday, and Monday, January 17th is a Federal holiday, per Grant Proposal Guide Chapter I.F, the due dates are extended to the following business day.  Therefore, proposals submitted in response to funding opportunities whose deadline dates fall after close of business on January 14th, will be due January 18th, and will be subject to the requirements set forth in NSF 11-1.   This includes the requirement to submit a Data Management Plan as a supplementary document.

FastLane will begin automated compliance checking for the data management plan starting January 15th and proposals (including unsolicited proposals) that do not comply with the requirement will be prevented from submission.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the new PAPP Guide, and visit the Policy Office website ( for additional information.  We have developed an entire suite of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on topics such as general proposal preparation and award administration, Project Outcomes Reports, Responsible Conduct of Research, Data Management Plans and Cost Sharing.  The Policy Office updates these FAQs as new questions are raised, to keep the community aware of emerging issues, so please visit our site often to access the latest information on NSF policies and procedures.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the Policy Office on (703) 292-8243 or by e-mail to

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Proposals are being accepted online until May 15, 2012

Oct 2011 – OSP NewsletterDr. Garrison’s Visit
Click here to download newsletter.

Student Research/Internship Opportunities

Effective January 1, 2011, the use of xTrain is mandatory to electronically prepare and submit PHS 2271 Statement of Appointment forms and/or PHS 416-7 Termination Notices.
For more information, Please click here.

NSF –  Data Management Plan Requirement Effective
January 18, 2011. Click here for more information.

NIH new policies effective after Jan 25th, 2011. A list of these policies can be found here.

Summer Opportunity for Achievement in Research – Health Program – Q & A Session – Feb 3 – 12-1pm

TMCF Request for Proposals Graduate Student Technology Research Award – Submission Deadline Dec. 31, 2010 @ 5pm CST

Research Terms and Conditions (RTC, dated July 2008) and NSF RTC Agency Specific Requirements (dated January 2010) available at…: Click here to read more.

The NEH will be on campus on Friday, December 3, from 10am to Noon.
The presentation and discussion will be held in Building 41, Room 420.

NEH Program Officers will be presenting on the overall work of the Endowment and specific grant programs including the Summer Institutes and Seminars, and programs for course development and humanities research at HBCUs.

They will also be available to answer individual questions about possible grant proposals or other questions faculty may have about the NEH and its work as it pertains to specific research interests.

Please encourage faculty and staff to attend and bring their questions!

NIH new policies effective after Jan 25th, 2011. A list of these policies can be found here.

TMCF Request for Proposals Graduate Student Technology Research Award – Submission Deadline Dec. 31, 2010 @ 5pm CST

2010 SRA Annual Meeting Online Presentations

New NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (NSF 11-1)
A revised version of the version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 11-1) has been published. The document is available in html, and a .pdf version of the document will be posted in the near future.
The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 18, 2011.  If you plan to submit a grant in 2011 onward, please use these guidelines! Your application may not be accepted if it does not follow the new guidelines.

Gates Foundation Grant Opportunities

Research Terms and Conditions (RTC, dated July 2008) and NSF RTC Agency Specific Requirements (dated January 2010) available at…: Click here to read more.

SciDAC Tutorials Day 2010 – July 16, 2010 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Click here for more information.

Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Integrity

Please be aware of the University Policy regarding student training in responsible conduct of research.

All students must have foundational training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. This expectation applies to all types of research and research settings, including but not limited to laboratory research; literature research; internet research; field research; research using human subjects or animals; and computer-based, computational, and theoretical research. Training should occur within the first two weeks of the research project. This foundational requirement can be met by having the student take and pass (>80%) the appropriate CITI RCR on-line course prior to doing research at the University. The CITI courses are found at Students must take a refresher course if 2 years or more have elapsed since the previous documented RCR training.

First Annual Research Mini-Symposium

Application Guide for NIH and Other PHS Agencies

Please Note: The NSF has announced significant changes to the proposal process effective 1/4/2010. Please see the guide at the link below for more information:

Part I – NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
Part II – NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide Part II