The University of the District of Columbia’s Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning division’s (UDC-WDLL) core mission is to assist District of Columbia Residents to attain high-quality entry-level career training and industry-recognized certifications and credentials to enhance their employability and successful entry into the region’s most in-demand industries. To better serve District Residents who can benefit the most from WDLL’s career training courses and career services, we have streamlined our application process. I am pleased to announce UDC-WDLL’s new “No Wrong Door” initiative, starting in January 2024 (i.e., Spring 24). This initiative provides District Residents with an easier way to get started, motivated, and prepared to achieve their career goals.
Under this new “No Wrong Door” initiative, prospective Students (i.e., applicants) only need to complete an application to enroll in UDC-WDLL’s Career Preparedness 101 or Student Success 101 courses. Applicants who choose to enroll in these courses will be able to complete their application requirements, gain full acceptance into WDLL’s certification courses, and receive specialized career or student success training while enrolled in these courses. Note: All application and CASAS requirements are still required to enroll in WDLL’s certification courses. Students who elect to enroll in one of the “No Wrong Door” courses will receive regular support and resources, and gain valuable knowledge and skills to successfully enhance their employability and achieve their unique academic and career goals.
These courses are offered on a first-come-first-served basis, and they require in-person attendance. UDC-WDLL is committed to ensuring that we are reducing and/or removing as many barriers to employment and education as possible for District Residents’ successful career journeys. UDC-WDLL remains an accessible and inclusive learning environment for all community members. With this new initiative, we look forward to empowering more District Residents to Step Into their success at UDC-WDLL.