Dear Firebird Community,
The temperature may have dropped and the weather may be chilly, but here at UDC we are feeling nothing but the warmth of Firebird pride.
In the past month, the University has enjoyed a series of “wins”: Alongside DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and Howard University President Ben Vinson III, we launched the HBCU Public Service Program, a partnership offering new pathways to careers in DC government, led by the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES). We recently announced a $2.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to create a general science bachelor’s degree program at UDC. And during our Homecoming festivities, we coronated our new Royal Court, gathered with our alumni, and scored a dual victory on the basketball court against Bowie State. It’s a great time to be a Firebird.
As we finish final exams and close out the fall semester, I want to applaud our students on their determination to succeed. Believe it or not, I too was once a college student, staying up through the night to ensure I emerged from each course with the best possible grade. I know each of you will persevere and sail through this final stretch with flying colors (red and gold to be exact).
I’d also like to thank our incredible faculty for going above and beyond this semester—and every semester—to challenge and inspire our students in the classroom. And I’d like to extend my appreciation to our staff, who provide the support services and resources to ensure our students have what they need to succeed. We simply could not do all that we do here at UDC without your tireless service.
To our December graduates, I commend the endless hours of studying, writing, research and effort that you put in to reach this point. Attaining an academic credential is a major accomplishment and an investment in yourself and your future. I hope many of you can join us at our Spring 2024 Commencement so that the UDC community may congratulate you in person.
Firebirds, when we return early next year, be ready for an energizing semester. We will be finalizing and preparing to implement our new Strategic Plan. Welcoming new athletes to our Athletics Hall of Fame. Kicking off new engagement sessions with students, faculty and staff to help shape UDC’s future. Celebrating the legacy of our institution on Founders’ Day. And, as always, prioritizing our students as we support them through their academic journeys.
To our entire UDC community – students, faculty, staff, alums, partners and neighbors – First Lady Tonya Edington and I wish you a warm holiday season filled with rest, reflection and renewal. It has been my utmost honor to serve you this fall, and I look forward to an extraordinary 2024 for UDC.
In service,
Maurice D. Edington, Ph.D.
University of the District of Columbia