A Message From the DC Mayor
Congratulations and welcome to a new year at the University of the District of Columbia! You are embarking on an exciting time in your life and are attending the only public historically Black, urban-focused land-grant university in Washington, DC. You represent the best and brightest collegiate students here in the District. Your success is our success, and we cannot wait to witness all the ways you make us #DCProud!
Muriel Bowser
Mayor of the District of Columbia
A Message From the DC Council Chairman
Welcome to Washington, DC! As a student at the University of the District of Columbia, you attend the only public HBCU (historically Black colleges and universities) in the nation’s capital. Getting a quality education is essential to success in life. Let your experience in the District set the foundation for your future success.
Phil Mendelson
DC Council Chairman
A Message From the DC Council Member Matt Frumin
As the representative on the DC Council of the area that includes the Van Ness Campus, I could not be more excited about the future of UDC. I look forward to working with you to strengthen the University and its partnership with our community.
I hope as you make your way through the next years at the University, you will use the nearby community and entire city as an extension of your campus and learning experiences. We have much to learn from each other and a great opportunity to make a positive difference (and have fun) together.
To stay connected with my office and the broader Ward 3 community, please visit MattFruminWard3.com and follow @CMFrumin on social media.
Matt Frumin
Ward 3 Councilmember
A Message From the DC Council Member Zachary Parker
Congratulations on beginning your 2023-2024 academic year at the District of Columbia’s only public university! Positioned within a city that is both one of the most influential in the world and rooted in unique local history and culture, the opportunities available to you as a student at UDC are unparalleled.
This academic year is yours to reach new heights, explore the many resources and experiences the District has to offer and apply your learning for the benefit of our communities. I am honored to represent Ward 5 on the Council of the District of Columbia, home to UDC’s Lamond-Riggs campus and a vibrant, diverse community of DC neighbors working together to build healthy communities.
Please feel free to reach out to my office anytime throughout this year to get connected to resources, community events, legislative activities at 202.724.8028 or ward5contact@dccouncil.gov.
Go Firebirds! In service and community,
Zachary Parker
Ward 5 Councilmember
A Message From the DC Council Member Trayon White Sr.
I extend a warm welcome to the University of the District of Columbia (UDC). This institution holds a vital place in the heart of our nation’s capital, and I am truly delighted to have you join its ranks.
Being a lifelong resident of Washington and serving as the DC Councilmember for Ward 8, I take immense pride in having UDC’s Congress Heights campus as an integral part of my community. This University has been a breeding ground for numerous remarkable individuals, ranging from dedicated leaders to innovative artists and accomplished athletes. It stands as a beacon of potential and promise, and my wish is for you to thrive here and pursue your aspirations wholeheartedly.
Let’s rally together, Firebirds!
Trayon White Sr.
Ward 8 Councilmember
A Message From the DC State Superintendent of Education
Welcome to a new school year! Whether you are entering the first year of your journey through college or returning to the University of the District of Columbia, I encourage you to seek excellence in everything you do. As students in the nation’s capital, you have a unique opportunity to watch history unfold as you prepare to shape the future.
Best of luck for a year full of success!
Christina Grant, Ph.D.
DC State Superintendent of Education
A Message From the DC Public Schools Chancellor
I am excited to extend a warm welcome to both new and returning University of the District of Columbia students. As you enter into the next stage of your educational development, it is my hope that you embrace this new academic year with determination and curiosity. As the Chancellor of DC Public Schools (DCPS), I saw so many of you thrive in K-12 due to your dedication, hard work and the support of your community. Now that you are taking that same enthusiasm to the District’s only public institution of higher learning, I remind you that as alumni, you are forever a part of the DCPS family, and we are proud to have been a part of your educational journey.
Let’s go, Firebirds!
Dr. Lewis D. Ferebee
DC Public Schools Chancellor