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University of the District of Columbia's Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning and Community College Department’s Sign Inter-Departmental Articulation Agreement

July 11, 2023

Washington, D.C. – University of the District of Columbia’s Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning (UDC WDLL) and Community College (UDC-CC) are pleased to announce the signing of an Inter-Departmental Articulation Agreement. This agreement establishes a seamless transition and credit transfer pathway between the Early Childhood Education and Information Technology pathways offered by UDC WDLL and the Associate of Arts (AA) Early Childhood Education degree and Associate of Science (AS) Information Technology Degree programs at UDC-CC.

Under this agreement, WDLL students who have successfully completed applicable coursework in the Early Childhood Education and Information Technology pathways and obtained the associated certification(s) will be eligible to receive course credits toward enrolling in and completing aligned UDC Community College associate degree program(s). This articulation agreement ensures that WDLL students matriculating to UDC’s Community College continue their educational journey without any loss of academic credits.

The key benefits of this agreement include:

Articulated College Credits: UDC WDLL students transitioning to and completing the degree program at UDC Community College will be eligible to receive up to 6 (six) articulated college credits in Early Childhood Education and up to 13 (thirteen) in Information Technology for specified courses only.

Cost Savings: Students will receive these credits at no additional cost, providing them with a significant financial advantage as they pursue their education.

Time Reduction: Students also get to reduce the time it takes to complete the Associate of Arts (AA) Early Childhood Education degree and Associate of Science (AS) Information Technology Degree programs at UDC Community College.

UDC-WDLL is excited to offer strong career pathways that provide gainful employment opportunities and access to all District Residents and UDC Students. UDC-WDLL is committed to forging strong partnerships and engaging in collaborative efforts for the benefit of enhancing and increasing the employability of the District’s most vulnerable Residents.

  • Mashonda Smith, Dean UDC Workforce Development Lifelong Learning

The UDC Community College provides for District residents opportunities to obtain jobs that will provide sustainable wages and offers the opportunity for its residents to become viable members of the middle-class.

  • Marilyn Hamilton, Dean Academic Affairs, UDC Community College

The Inter-Departmental Articulation Agreement signifies a significant step forward in fostering educational pathways and opportunities for students in the District of Columbia. The collaboration between University of the District of Columbia’s Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning and Community College serves as a model for effective partnerships between workforce development initiatives and higher education institutions, empowering individuals to pursue their professional goals and contribute to the growth of the local workforce.

For more information about the programs and courses offered by the University of the District of Columbia’s Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning, please visit –

To learn more about the programs and courses at the University of the District of Columbia’s Community College, please visit

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