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UDC Gets First X-ray Diffraction Facility

January 26, 2023
Chemistry students Nazharie Brandon (’24) and Julio Argueta (’24) with Dr. Xueqing Song
Chemistry students Nazharie Brandon (’24) and Julio Argueta (’24) with Dr. Xueqing Song, chairperson and associate professor of chemistry.

The Synergy-S includes copper PhotonJet sources equipped with multilayer optics and the HyPix-6000HE Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) detector. The new technology of the microfocus source affords strong, highly focused beam intensity with low energy costs. Installed in Building 42, Room C12, the detector has near zero-readout noise and a high dynamic range, so reflections with high and low count rates can be measured simultaneously.

The diffractometer is equipped with a cooling system allowing measurements within a temperature range of 80-500K (Oxford Cryosystem Cryostream 800 plus). The data collection, reduction, and structure determination are often completed in under a minute.

The X-ray diffractometer was obtained through National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) funding to support and promote the research activities of students and faculty at UDC, Catholic University of America and American University, Gallaudet University and Trinity Washington University.

Dr. Xueqing Song, associate professor of chemistry and director of the new X-Ray Diffraction Facility noted that the diffractometer would provide immediate and projected future XRD needs of the expanding research programs in chemistry and engineering at UDC and the partner institutions.

“Our students will also benefit through exposure to X-ray diffraction on a cutting-edge instrument, in class and research, and this will help prepare them well for further education and careers,” he said.

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