Dr. Dorshka Wylie, assistant professor of mathematics and Dr. Shurron Farmer, mathematics program coordinator and assistant professor of mathematics, will present the correlation between algebra skills, pre-calculus, and successful completion of calculus on Thursday, January 26 at 2:00 p.m., at the Van Ness Campus in Building 71, 4th floor.
Intermediate algebra furnishes students with the algebraic skills used in calculus. It covers solving equations, graphing straight lines, and the arithmetic of polynomials and rational expressions. Precalculus explores the important functions that are worked with in calculus, including logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions. While there have been studies looking at correlations between completion of precalculus courses and success in introductory calculus, there have not been studies looking at correlations between performance in intermediate algebra and performance in introductory calculus. These presenters examine what correlations exist between performance in intermediate algebra, precalculus, and introductory calculus for students who have taken all three at UDC.
This presentation is the first of three Fluid and Dynamics presentations sponsored by the Colleges of Arts and Sciences to be held this semester. Presented monthly, this series provides faculty across the disciplines the opportunity to share their research and interests with colleagues and the greater UDC community. To attend this event by Zoom, please click here.